I’ve been storing some stuff in this little workshop wharehouse with some guys that make surfboards.
My rent is beer in the Kegerator.
Out back is a ‘contractor’s junkyard’ and could not help poking around looking at all his old beams, formboards, metal roofing, piles of junk everywhere…
Then I noticed a big stack of something–closer look revealed 16′ long 2 1/2″ full thickness x 8″ window and door jambs pulled out of somewhere…
Clear fir jambs, no paint, old varnish, a few nails.
Took forever to track the guy down, “I think his name is Ron…” “I’ll ask the landlords…” Bad number..
Finally one day I noticed they were fencing in the ‘junkyard’ and I left a card. A few days later, nice feller called me back and said he’d part with some of it. Ended up buying about 340′ lineal feet for 1$ a foot.
I’ve got a friend with a big bandsaw to resaw it, but I took a look tonight–ripped off the rabbetted part and sawed the resulting 2 1/2″ x 5″ piece right down the middle and planed it.
Incredible stuff. I’ll use it to trim out the project I have now, and more!
forgot the photo.
I'm drooling in ma beer.
Always remember those first immortal words that Adam said to Eve, “You’d better stand back, I don’t know how big this thing’s going to get.”
Old growth softwoods are a true gift from a higher power.
I think 5/4 x 6 VG fir B&btr would be costing me about $4/LF right now. You're lucky you got some!
Cleaned Resawn jointed and planed I should end up with about 700 LF.
Should keep me busy for a while!
I'm really jazzed b/c I had rec. VG fir in my current project at much greater cost. There's some guys locally that pull clear bleacher boards out of schools and sell them for 3 or 4$ a foot. I was counting on their material but this is better by far.
VG Fir (have to bow my head when I say that) is my all time favorite building material, hands down.
Nice score.
Very cool. I love running across some great old wood like that.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
Hey Don!
Hey Pat!
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
Great find! I just finished an island for my kitchen, mostly out of VG Fir (head bowed) salvaged off job sites. My favorite too.
I have a situation similar to yours, I just bought a property and the previous owner had the land cut and the trees were turned into 5/4" x 10" x10' planks (pine) I would like to use thm as carsiding on some of the walls so I'm not surrounded by just drywall. What type of bandsaw did your friend use and how long did it take to resaw them? any info will be appreciated. Thanks!
Haven't resawed yet.
I don't recall the brand or size of bandsaw he has--Just BIG is what I remember. I've used it to cut arcs in 4x material.
Google resawing with a bandsaw and you'll find some info.
I can resaw these with 2passes on my table saw, but that's wasteful and time consuming--big kerf.
That's where the band saw is better--cut in one shot and less kerf.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, The boards are too thick to use for wainscot / carsiding in my opinion, and I really want to use them since I have them. Thanks again.
Here's a blade made for resawing, photo shows bandsaw in action.