A few pic’s of a greenhouse/tool shed that amazingly enough my wife helped me build. She ran the miter saw cutting cedar trim and pushed up and held steady the metal roofing as I nailed it. Despite her vertigo she got on a ladder.
My wife I think Ill keep her.
We finished all except the needed twinwall for the greenhouse roof just in time to ready the back yard for our 10th anniversary last sundry. We had over 50 guest and wound up with more booze then when we started. I may be on to something.
Hard to believe you spent 208 KBs on that little shed pic. Roar!
Nice panoramic shot of the yard tho'.
Edited 5/27/2005 12:22 pm ET by razzman
the shed looks awsome! i like it
--> measure once / scribble several lines / spend some time figuring out wich scribble / cut the wrong line / get mad
That shed turned out really nice. I wouldn't mind making one of those for Mom...but I imagine it probably cost a fair penny just for materials.
A BMP sneaked in there (and Raz's version is blurry) so I converted it back to JPG before the folks using pony-express complain about file size.
And any woman who can run the miter saw is a keeper.
It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. --Chinese proverb
that is a great garden you've got.
i was expecting a different picture. you know the one that always turns up in helper threads!!