Greetings from Iraq, I am here with an Army Signal Unit, but I used to be a Navy Seabee (long story meant for another discussion), my primary job now is pwer generation but I am here as the unit construction expert. I supervised and trained our temas in how to build sandbag survivability positions quickly and safely, y’all would be amazed to have seen some of the positions that units were building to protect themselves from indirect fire (mortars, RPG’s, artillery), truly scary stuff that I wouldn’t want to crawl into when the heavy stuff started falling.
Right now I am in Baghdad staying at one of the palace complexes and I get to travel around and look at all of the palaces up close and inspect some of the damge that we inflicted. Mostly I am struck by the poor construction of the “palaces” they are huge in scale, I paced off one of Saddam’s bedrooms at over 40′ by 40′, that’s over 1600 square feet for a bedroom, really twisted stuff. The palaces remind me of some of the McMansions that get built back in the States, total lack of scale to the human form, hasty construction techniques, but every once in a while you come across a building that is truly a work of art, you can see the effort put in by true craftsmen. I’ll be taking some pictures and posting them if any one is interested.
I would love to hear back, contact with the states is always welcomed.
Of course we want pics. Welcome to BT!
Welcome, and thank you for your service to our country.
I was hoping an opertunity like this would come along. I would love to see em. The media just kind of pans over these places so you don't really know what the whole deal with these palaces are. Post away.
Who Dares Wins.
More of the same Wil, welcome and a big thanks for your service. I'll buy you a round at the Tav once Frenchy gets back with our barmaid.
Pics please if you can!
I'll jump on the welcome and appreciation wagon too. Any and all pics would be great! Be safe.
Good work Wil. Keep your head down. I hear the bullets are still flying. We would love to see some pics of Iraqi building techniques and details. Even within the USA we have vastly different standards and techniques. I have no idea how they build palaces there.
i saw a program that showed a mosque that was being built.
i think it was the largest in the world??
but its all surrounded by water with an island in one corner.
the island is tiled with Saddams finger print.
i think that that man had issues?!!!!
keep safe
Big Wil
welcome..... and be safe , and as was said keep your head down............ and your as s covered.
let us know the real low down (as best you can).
Goodspeed to you and all your mates over there!
are there any pics you would like to see?
maybe we can get some of the fair sex here to do a calender or something :)
take care and take cover.
Thanx for your sacrafice.
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
Welcome and thanks putting your life on the line for the rest of us.
Pics of the palaces would be cool.
Becareful over there.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals built the Titanic.
This is for you
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wil... i live right across the bay from Davisville... the home of the seabees...
tell us more.. weather must be getting pretty gruesome by now..
Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Welcome to Breaktime, Wil!
Like many others here, I want to thank you for your service and wish you the best!
Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.
Thanks for protecting our butts from the bad guys of this world. We read alot of puke about politics and the war, but then when we hear from our own over there it brings it all home and what it is all about. May God have a guardian angel looking over you. Come home in one piece.
Dang shure post those pics!! Always wondered what type of contruction and craftmanship was used in those palaces.
Good Luck-- Stay SAFE!
Cork in Chicago
A great big Welcome to ya. Always good to see new new people. Feel free to jump in with anything you care to share. If the post are coherent, certainly not a requirement, so much the better.
We, I, hear so little news from the people, the people doing the work not the posers making brave speeches, on the the ground. I would love to see any pictures you would care to post.
They, pictures, posts or rants, need not be construction related. The Woodshed, a section reserved for unrelated to construction and rants found at the bottom of the list, is a free fire zone for anything you wish contribute. The debates sometimes get a bit heated but generally most, almost all, folks keep it to punching above the belt. A thick skin helps. Most of it is good fun.
If you care to spare the time, I realize your busy so no fault if you drop this, I do have a question or two:
You speak of building shelters. Could you detail the structures your working on? What materials are used and how are they connected together? Seems to me that there has to be some simple charts describing what materials at what depth will stop what shells. IE: a .308 from 20 meters will be stopped by X inches of sand, Y of plywood, Z of concrete. I suspect there is such a chart but haven't seen this theoretical beast. Any idea where I could reference one? Of course nothing classified.
Point is that some areas, of the US, are shooting galleries. It might be useful to know that, for example only, that a piece of backer board sandwiched between 3/4" ply would stop a round from an AK.
"Right now I am in Baghdad staying at one of the palace complexes"
Welcome, and thanks for serving our country. Glad to see those ~"palaces" finally being put to good use. Definitely post some pic's if you can. How the heck did you wind up logging onto Break Time from over there?
Edited 6/22/2003 4:59:17 AM ET by WorkshopJon
I'll add my welcome, and a huge thank you to the list of others.
You sure have our attention.
I'd be glad to see your pictures and to hear your stories. We've sent three boxes over to a neighbor young'un in the Third - in a tank. His mother heard from him bvut no sign the care packages got thu. Any you guys getting goodies from home? Need anything?
I'd be more than glad to shake your virtual hand and to welcome you home with the brew of your choice. Thanks! Don't be shy.
Now you gurls, get that calender going for him.
Excellence is its own reward!
And if there are any female GI's over there that are turned on by balding overwieght Italians, I'll do my part for the ladies who have put themselves in harms way for thier country!!!Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
I think a ROAR is called for here! LOL!!!Tamara
Then my work here is done!!
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
Great to hear from you. We've got a close friend and neighbor with a son in Baghdad,too. You guys watch each others backs and get your behinds back home uninjured........asap.
May God bless and keep you always.
Hi Wil...nice to meet you!
We've heard that "someone" is encouraging fighters from Iran etc and even Chechnya to come to Iraq and keep the conflict going...I hope they don't get as far as where you're at...
Despite the danger, it must be pretty cool to see all of that ancient architecture...please do send pics...
Are you involved in getting the city's power grid back on line? I've heard that one of the citizens biggest gripes is the lack of services.
Thank you for what you're doing...