The grout sealer (I forget the brand) says to clean with some product before sealing. I don’t have any of the product, and we are just doing 1/16″ grout lines on 12 X 12 tile in a little entry way and powder room. Is it really necessary to clean the grout? What is it accomplishing?
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If you don't clean it (i) whatever dirt/stains are there now will just be sealed in place and (ii) the sealer might not cover properly, e.g., if there are oily spots.
Just use a good detergent, elbow grease and rinse well.
With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord; I will praise Him in the midst of the throng. For He stands at the right hand of the needy, to save them from those who would condemn them to death.
- Psalms 109:30-31
Edited 6/12/2007 6:55 pm ET by rjw
Edited 6/12/2007 6:56 pm ET by rjw
sounds like this is new work, so avoid the detergents or chemicals that are non-proprietary to the sealer manufacturer just pull a cleanup w water and a grout sponge, get all grout haze off allow to dry thoroughly before using a good sealer