1956 house with base-board radiators guggles like Niagara falls. I’ve bled the system repeatedly when it’s on and it get much quieter. This I can live with. But over the course of a few days (2-3) we’re definitley on our way back the guggling sounds. Gas furnace is new (teledyne)and the pipes are 3/4 inch. There’s one zone. Pressure is approx 12-14 pounds.
I can’t quite figure out why the air comes back? Can i expect this be a daily ritual.
David Pottinger
1956 house with base-board radiators guggles like Niagara falls. I've bled the system repeatedly when it's on and it get much quieter. This I can live with. But over the course of a few days (2-3) we're definitley on our way back the guggling sounds. Gas furnace is new (teledyne)and the pipes are 3/4 inch. There's one zone. Pressure is approx 12-14 pounds.
I can't quite figure out why the air comes back? Can i expect this be a daily ritual.
David Pottinger