What do people use for drains (buried along the foundation and drained to day-light) for gutters? PVC Schedule 40 is on option. What diameter? I have read that 4 inch is often used.
Thoughts. And I think is would like to hear from people, not call an engineer, not call the company (known or unknown), not call my supplier, not call my designer. Thank you. So respond wiht your experience if you please.
Corrugated 4" pipe, either
Corrugated 4" pipe, either solid or perforated as required. It's flexible, cheap, comes in enormous sized rolls, and works.
I agree.
But do the maths, roof area, maximum recorded amount of rain in your area, gutter size, down pipe size.
Can a four inch pipe cope? Note: The steeper the pipe angle, the quicker the water flow, the greater its capacity.
Make sure that the drain pipe ends downhill of your home, preferably below foundation level.
What size are your gutters? How far apart are your downspouts? How far do the drains have to run to daylight?
I hear you on ..
I her you and others here questioning the size of roof and amount of rain. Four inch pipe seems fine for a perimeter drain tile, but seems small for gutter drains. Just my gut, thus my question. Thanks everyone here who has some knowledge and experience.
I have an answer. But I learned it from an engineer and confirmed it with suppliers and an installer. So I guess I can't tell you. Sorry.
Ya some people are like that. Don' tknow anything and need a mother to wip their ...
Let me get this straight. You ask for advise from people more knowledgeable than you, then insult someone for saying they did the same? What an arse.
yes I can help you straighten it out.
You might need a refresher reading course as it should be clear that the point of the statement made was not intended to be helpful. Should be obvious to the average reader. As for insults, if you need your mother to help you out and I say so, that is not an insult, just a fact.
Sch. 40 is overkill
For utility drains like this, it's either corrugated or light-weight PVC. I prefer the PVC because of its smooth sides. I don't think I've ever used Sch. 40 pipe for foundation drains, nor have I ever seen it used for that.
Not sure where I read sch 40
Sch 40 seems wrong to me, of course I know of one guy who used the corrugated pipe and the backfill guy colapsed teh pipe. he had to cut out the basment slab and put in a new drain system (this was for a drain tile system not gutters). The original system was under porch and could not be redug. BIG BUCKS!
My man question is capacity of the pipe. Sure One can estimate how much water will come off a roof in a 1 inch per hour event, but how fast can a pipe carry that much water. BIgger is better, but is 4 inches ok.
I only use 6" gutters and 6"
I only use 6" gutters and 6" downspouts so I try to use 6" Sewer and Drain or PVC pipe for leaders. If you're dunping more than one downspout into a leader I'd go even bigger. There is almost no such thing as too big.
Have used sch 40 ABS and cut a few slot in it for drainage, but that was only because I got a bunch of 20 ft pieces for $6 a length when a big box was discontinuing carrying 20 ft ABS.
I Forget your geography doright, where you are ? - here in PNW it never rains hard enough for needing anything over 3" corrugated, but then the all-time record is something like 5" in 24 hours, with 2nd place being only 3" in 24 hours.
Florida and midwest see rainfalls of near 10 inches in one HOUR and recall one hurricane dumped nearly 4 FEET of rain in one hour on the Texas gulf coast.
2000 sq ft roof, 8000 cu ft of water in 1 hour = about 64,000 gallons per hour or close to 1000 gallons per minute.
I have a big 3" car engine driven pump that throws 700 gallons per minute from a 3" fire hose, and that is under about 70 psi pressure!
Like the man says, if you are in the panhandle or gulf coast, the bigger the better.
PNW also - Rocky Mountain side.
HOw to get teh damnn aid out of teh way of a message here
how do you get rid of the aid at teh bottom of Breaktimes site. I can not respond to people's post becaseu an aid sits on top of teh lower half of the message. I suppose I can post this note and hope it goes to the bottom of teh thread and expose junkhounds note completely.
how about ad rather than aid
I know you probaly have a smart ass 'd remark to this but how about you look for the x in the corner of this ad box and click on that?
find one of those ad blockers and install it?
For me there's only a couple pop up ads that overshadow the page-and they're quickly and easily removed.
All in fun Calvin
all in fun I sure hope so.........
because if I was closer to utah or wherever the heck you are I'd be there in a minute and ask you simply............
are you fuck'n kidding me?
Come on now ..
Come on now Calvin. If you are honest it is you who always has the smart Az remark. I think you do it to get my goat. My weakness, I bit. So do a little self reflection. I mean are you (Job site word) (Job site word) kidding me?
this is like instant messaging or texting (which I don't do).
My main point in all this is that I have a very low threshold for whining.
You ask, you get answer and you whine
You don't get what you want to hear, you whine.
Now, tell me............
am I too far off base?
Yes, you are off base. Where is there a whine in this tread? I might ask a follow up question, or ask for clarificaiton.
Quite honestly, I have no idea what your problem is. At one time you were a helpful guy. Now a guy asks you how to build a window and you say yep you sure can do it. WOW, how informative. SUre not everyone knows how to build a window, no crime there. But I must say as of late you have not been to helpful, case in point. Or suggest this engineer stuff for every little thing. And that is fine if tht is all you know how to do. I find it funny and a poke fun at it. Sorry that insults you, but you said.
And sure, I might question someone who suggests one repair a load damaged joist with white glue, to which I might ask a follow-up question. Excuse me for questioning that. Or if someone suggests corragated pipe for drains, I might ask if any had any trouble with that, as other of my sources say don't use it. It might work fine in one place and not in another. These boards are FULL of such discussions and debates. So a few probing questions never hurt anyone ... well I suppose except in your case.
Its this "AdChoice" Crap
I have a wild guess I get that from having opened a "free" email account. Once you do that you are screwed I think. NO X!!!!!!!
At least that is what my supplier tells me.
here's the real lol
I think you must have zero people there in your area that you can ask, trust and rely on for half way pertinent information.
If you don't have a knowledgable supplier you can call on and expect adequate service I pity you for having to visit the box store or buy all your shit online.
best of luck.
I guess ..
I guess I pity you for gullibly taking the first advice you recieve. My experience is half or more of what you heaar is wrong. Unvented crawlspace are state of the art, but you can't find one foundation guy who has ever heard of one. You have fireplace systems which take air in from your VENTED crawlspace, and when you ask the SUPPLIERS about unvented crawlspaces, they glaze over. So I suppose you can ignorantly take the word or the first supplier that comes alone, pity your clients I suppose.
Cos wez alws don it that a way. duh.
you can pity all you want.....
if you can't understand what I'm telling you then I guess we are done with this an any other interchange of ideas.
You sir are one thick headed sum bich.
pity this.
Sorry you feel that way.
You once were an ok guy, now you must be under alot of stress or something. Sorry, hope you get well.
He do love that mud!
What is that old axiom? Something like: Don't wrestle with a pig. You'll only get muddy. And the pig likes it.
yup, Andy Engle's byline............
And it's applicable.
Why are you being such a smart (jobsite word)?
I know I could call my supplier or an engineer, but there is no X in the ad. ANd yes I have spyware blockers and firewalls, etc. Maybe white glue works for you.