V-Nails and the tools to install them are most commonly used for picture framing, but they do have crossover into small carpentry projects and I’ve even known some cabinet makers who use them.
The two most knows brands of pneumatic guns are Kasmin and Meite, both are fine tools.
The there are the framing kits, all over the map in price and abilities. I have all the shop tools and jigs needed to builds frames, I don’t need a framing kit.
I have a compressor to run a pneumatic gun but I would still like to find and purchase a hand held v-nail punch. I know they exist, I’ve seen them in several tutorials but finding the company who makes them is proving to be impossible. The combination of Google’s up sell and Amazon’s paid adverts are making a search a massive pain in the ass, i have spent 3 days on this.
Searches often present finish nail punches, I have one, but they support round headed nails not a v-nail which has a v-shaped magnet. If you place a v-nail on one of these punches it is unstable and highly likely that when you hit the top of the punch, rather than driving the nail into the frame it will attempt to into the frame at an angle and damage the work. This is especially true with hardwood.
Here’s a link and picture of Lee Valley version: https://www.leevalley.com/en-us/shop/hardware/picture-hanging-and-framing/52113-v-nail-and-brad-driver?item=86K8710
Sadly, no longer available.
Does anyone know of a hand held v-nail punch, name of manufacturer and perhaps where to buy?
Assistance is much appreciated.