I had a window that was slow leaking onto my hardwood floor beneath my carpet and the hardwood boards there buckled up. I was able to push the boards down and back into place but now that I have the carpet removed there is a small section of hardwoods that raises up freely as if it werent nailed down to the floor. I was originally thinking I would take up those boards as wide and deep as necessary put in a new ply sub-floor and then have the hardwood floor guys put down new wood and refinish.
Problem there is, the new wood wouldnt match and would cost a lot. Looking up at it from the basement the top layer of ply has that damage because the very bottom layer doesnt show any signs of damage.
A solution I was thinking about would be to brace a piece of 3/4″ ply underneath between the beams from below and support it with 2×4’s. Then top nail with 2 1/2″ finish nails through the hardwood and into this new nailer just enough to hold down the loose boards. The floor guys could putty over the holes and most of it would be under a throw rug anyway.
What do you think?
Only fear I`d have is that the existing subfloor may be "spongey" if the upper laminations are truly deteriorated.
Any chance you could remove the existing floor boards in an area slightly larger than that which is affected. Getting the first piece out without doing any damage might be a little tricky.....but once its out, the others will be more easily removed. Repair the subfloor and replace the original flooring. That`d be my recomendation.
Good luck!
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Yeah, I think i'll do that. Take up the boards as deep and wide as needed and cut out the sub-floor to the joists. Then put in a new patch and have the hardwood floor guys put in new woods (or salvage the old if they can)
Can you take some boards out of a closet for the repair?
I'm sorry, I thought you wanted it done the right way.
not enough to repair. I'm going to post a pic in a few mins.
Here are a couple of pics.
You can see the water stain where the water must have pooled and how the peak of the warped area isnt too high to leave as is but I'm thinking it will be better to replace no? Or am I getting too involved here and should I have it top nailed and refinished?
I'd sure like to know of that level. Is that a dial vial on the end?
You have stain there that probably can't be bleached out. It will remain. Is this a flooring you can get parts for? I think you would be wise to remove the wood and take care of the subfloor if you want it to look good.
How long has it been drying out and how old is the floor?Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Yep, its a dial vial. Got it from http://www.coastaltool.com
I figure the stain will come out with the sanding and when they stain the floor again but that part will be under an area rug anyway.
Hard to tell how long its been wet. Its dry now. There was carpet over the hardwood for about 25 years. Previous owner had windows incorrectly installed. They leaked in and ont the floor is my best guess.
gotcha. My experience with those black stains are maybe yes, probably no. You certainly can give it a try, if not decide if you want to replace. The hump if wet for yrs, could mean subfloor replace. However, it could have pulled the nails up and out. You might be able to persuade the boards down, and refasten if the subfloor will hold them. Again, worth a try if you can get them down.
Do you trust the floor guy? and what did he suggest? Again, how long has it been drying out?Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Yeah, the stains are going to be toss up. But they will be under the throw rug anyway.
I persuaded the boards back down once when they were really up high. Think the nails were holding it up then. Sub-floor may not be in bad shape since I cant see damage other than some light staining from below in the basement.
Thought i would try to liquid nails a piece of ply up from under in the basement, support it with 2 x 4's and then screw screws up from below to pull the boards down. Might work.
its not too unsightly now, I just want to prevent it from popping way up again which I doubt will happen because I am having the trouble window replaced.
ps - all is totally dry now.
Toolsguy You might be able to use oxalic acid on the stains. It is a wood bleach good for removing water stains. However yours may be too dark to totally remove but may lighten significantly with treatment. It is not too hard to use just follow the directions.alsnetbiz.com/homeimprovement/oxalic_acid.htmJ.P.http://www.jpkfinefurniture.com
Anyone ever heard of screws with breakaway heads that are used to repair loose hardwood floor boards?
the breakaway screws i've heard of are for through carpet-from McFeeleys, maybe something for through wood.
If you were able to prop the boards down from above-wedge them down from the ceiling, you could run the proper length course wood screws up from underneath.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Edited 3/21/2005 10:06 pm ET by calvin