has anyone ever installed ceramic tile on to of an existing tile?

I’m about to install some ceramic tile over the top of some discolored Saltilo tile. It’s in west Tx. The existing floor is both sound and dry. It’s just ugly. To remove it would be a hateful job. Any inputs? I should also mention, It’s on a concrete slab.
Thanks Rotten Apple
I saw a Holmes on Homes the other day and they did just that. The tile was quite a lot so, rather than remove they repaired the defective areas to make them the same level. Then put down some type of binder. Then a mesh sheet with more binder. Finally, a final coat of the binder. Did this all in one day. Do not recall the product name.
i have installed ceramic over top of ceramic ,and so with no problems .i offset the groutlines so that no tile lined up exactually overtop of anouther tile. this is not something i personally like to do . i perfer to take up existing tile .ensure the subfloor is suitable for tile installation . that way i know there's no trouble spots under the old tile. it gives me peace of mind. also adding anouther layer of tile makes that floor that much higher which will require a transition strip where there was none before.
I've seen it done in commercial situations (malls and office buildings). I assume that in part this is because it's less mess and faster, big issues in these situatons.
My recollection is that the old tile was scuffed first, using a floor sander.
Thanks you all. A little reaffirmation is good for the soul.
rotten apple