Help. need short baseboard diffusers

I need some baseboard diffuser vents that have an outside height of no more than 3 and 3/4 inches (why do they make these things so dang tall?). Did something stupid. Thought my base was taller than it actually was and I was going to face mount them on the flat portion of the base. Needless to say If I don’t find some, I need to do some very painful base removal or try to chisel to get them recessed into the base. Neither appeals to me much.
I’ve called everywhere I can think of, and searched the net. If noone knows where I can buy some, does anyone know where I can have some made? Need white.
Thanks in advance,
why don't you try cutting a standard diffuser down to the right dimension and then trimming them out? also if you can borrow a plasma arc cutter that may be the ticket, very little slag and a nice straight edge, may not require trim
I'm not much of a metalworker and I'm not sure about painting the finished product. I thought about cutting with a snip but realized how it would look. Mebbe I could take one to a smithy and see what he thinks. What would you paint it with? I thought they had some sort of powder coated finish, no?
get the floor model and drill holes to mount in place. I often use these in the toe kicks of cabinets.
The hole in the floor extends from the front of the base outwards about an inch and a half. The only way I could use floor registers (as I see it) is to cut metal again, or move the holes in the floor.
try this link you might find what you are looking for.