My wife and I are adding a new bathroom to the house which will include a bidet; we’ve got the space, the desire, and they’re not too expensive. Trouble is, we don’t have the experience. The manufacturer’s catalogues speak only with gentle and vague euphemisms.
The choice is between a “vertical spray” and an over-the-rim or “horizontal spray”. It seems to me that the vertical spray might be more effective for ones, er, backside, shall we call it. (Don’t want to offend any delicate folks). And it seems like the horizontal spray system might be easier for the washing of the front parts, not to mention that it would be easier to check the water temperature with your hand before subjecting the tender stuff to any extremes.
So the question is, does anyone have some experience with using these? Especially valued opinions would be those who have tried both systems.
I spend a fair amount of time in Europe and have witnessed both styles. Most hotels have the vertical. Most of the homes over their (at least the few that I've been privy to) have eliminated the bidet, and it is becoming less popular in new construction.
My kids (boy, 6, and daughter, 8) were quite taken with the new "toy". My bride has experience as well. All prefer vertical. You'll have to accept it at that, since I didn't make this an anonymous post.
As a disclaimer, I must admit I've never tried using one. Not that I'm a bidet snob, but then again, while in the Middle East, I never tried the "three stones".
Still preferrring the dry look...
My wife and I are adding a new bathroom to the house which will include a bidet; we've got the space, the desire, and they're not too expensive. Trouble is, we don't have the experience. The manufacturer's catalogues speak only with gentle and vague euphemisms.
The choice is between a "vertical spray" and an over-the-rim or "horizontal spray". It seems to me that the vertical spray might be more effective for ones, er, backside, shall we call it. (Don't want to offend any delicate folks). And it seems like the horizontal spray system might be easier for the washing of the front parts, not to mention that it would be easier to check the water temperature with your hand before subjecting the tender stuff to any extremes.
So the question is, does anyone have some experience with using these? Especially valued opinions would be those who have tried both systems.