I’m looking at buying an 1880’s North Carolina farmhouse needing a lot of work. It’s a great old place with a lot of potential, and I want to keep it somewhat true to it’s original look and feel without going to great lengths to be 100% accurate. The problem is that the trim work has been adulterated over the years and I don’t what if any is original. I’ve been trying to find a source for what style and materials might have been commonly used for that time and place. Any suggestions on books, web sites or other resources that might help?
Try http://www.oldhouseweb.com, it's a forum for older home owners, most of whom share their knowledge and resources freely. Also pick up a copy of Old House Journal mag, they have tons of ads for specialty items and usually list resources in the articles.
Have fun.
Check out Hull Historical Millwork ( http://www.hullhistorical.com )
They make an extensive line of mouldings and moulding packages for older houses.