My Schuller (Madallion) Cabinets from Home Depot finally arrived (two weeks later than promised) and guess what they f___’d up the order. I was supposed to get full overlay cabinets and they sent me 1/2 overlay. I requested that they pick up the wrong ones and order me new ones. They are trying to get me to keep these. They offered to replace the doors with bigger ones to make them full overlay (claiming boxes the same, etc.) I told them no– like a car being in accident as far as I am concerned, never the same and that I worried the stain/finish wouldn’t match not to mention that boxes would need the styles removed from in between where the 1/2 overlay doors rest to make room for the full overlay. At any rate, I know law and purchase order is on my side — it says full overlay cabinets were supposed to be order (but HD salesman put in wrong code or something and 1/2 overlay was ordered instead). We were planning a big fourth of july party. I am now wondering hat kind of damages, discount, etc. I can get from HD for hassle. Anybody out there have any suggestions on how to deal with major screw-up or wish to share their HD horror story?????
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My Schuller (Madallion) Cabinets from Home Depot finally arrived (two weeks later than promised) and guess what they f___'d up the order. I was supposed to get full overlay cabinets and they sent me 1/2 overlay. I requested that they pick up the wrong ones and order me new ones. They are trying to get me to keep these. They offered to replace the doors with bigger ones to make them full overlay (claiming boxes the same, etc.) I told them no-- like a car being in accident as far as I am concerned, never the same and that I worried the stain/finish wouldn't match not to mention that boxes would need the styles removed from in between where the 1/2 overlay doors rest to make room for the full overlay. At any rate, I know law and purchase order is on my side -- it says full overlay cabinets were supposed to be order (but HD salesman put in wrong code or something and 1/2 overlay was ordered instead). We were planning a big fourth of july party. I am now wondering hat kind of damages, discount, etc. I can get from HD for hassle. Anybody out there have any suggestions on how to deal with major screw-up or wish to share their HD horror story?????