Honeywell Thermostat quesstion

I have a new Focus Pro TH5000 thermostat in my home. It is a basic, non programmable thermostat on a Trane heat pump. I have a very similar Honeywell thermostat about 3 years old at my wifes office- they look identical but do not work the same.. the one at my wifes office, when the system has cycled off, say in winter, the inside temp(left side of stat) will be 65, the heat setting(right side of stat) will be 65. Then As the building cools, the inside setting will, after say 10 minutes or so, change to 64,and the “heat on” indication will come on and the system will start and run, until the inside temp(left)comes up and matches the heat setting (65) and the unit then cycles off. The new one at home does not work like that- I wonder if it is defective or needs adjustment. what is does when the system cycles off, and both inside and heat setting set on 65, as the building cools, the unit goes click click and starts the system, EVEN though the inside (left) still reads 65. It then runs for a while and with the inside temp still showing 65, cycles out. Is this defective operation? Seems to me the inside temp reading should go down at least one degree to 64 before the system starts up? Otherwise the unit will short cycle on very small temp “swings”. Do you have one? How does it cycle? Thanks
I just installed a Honeywell programmable.
IIRC, part of the set up included designating the type of heating system it is being used on.
I suspect this sets the appropriate "anticipator" cycle.
Did you get the new one calibrated correctly?
"Short cycling" is only a problem if the cycles are actually short. There's nothing magical about requiring a full degree of temperature drop before calling for heat.
Keep in mind that a heat pump requires a special thermostat.
I have the same model thermostat controlling a Goodman heat pump. Mine has been operating the same as yours. It will cycle the heat pump on even when there is no visible temperature differential showing. Remember, though, that the sensitivity of the thermostat is higher than the display reflects. You don't see any temp drop because the display doesn't show tenths of a degree. Mine is definitely not short cycling - In this cold weather we've had, it runs for 15-20 minutes at a time without visibly changing the temp on the display.
On a related note, I had trouble last winter (pretty mild) with my heat strips coming on too much. (Your display will show AUX Heat ON). I changed a setting in the menu from COMFORT to ECONOMY for the Aux Heat, and this year, even with the extreme temps, my heat strips hardly ever come on. Hope all this helps.