How do I remove the sashes for track cleaning
Been hanging drywall. Dust got heavy at times. Prior to starting the drywall, my Gorell 5300 series vinyl windows were covered with plastic. However, I’d feel better if I could remove the sashes now and thoroughly clean the tracks of any dust that might have gotten in. These are high dollar windows, so I need to make sure I do this right. Can someone tell me the proper way to completely remove and reinstall the upper and lower sashes? Thanks in advance for any help with this.
MW, here's a link to the window-5300 series.
I of course don't know if they're sliders or dbl hung.
You should be able to find the answer there or call 'em.
Most windows-sliders, move to middle and lift up and out.
Dbl hung-tilt in, raise bottom to middle, lift one side up-disengaging the balancer. pull the other side out.
Do same for upper sash.