I’m in the process of pricing out some of the e- work that I have already done on my house. i.e. as a DIYer I know how much $ I spent, and I know the time (way longer than any pro would have taken, spread out over longer than any pro would have worked) I spent on the work that I did. How do I get a rough (I know very rough – you MPG will very,,,,) idea of what it would have cost to have a pro do it.
I have an old house (1909) that had some recent (1980’s) e- much of it had to be redone (sloppy work) most of the house was still knob and tube when we moved in. How would I go about making a guess as to how much a pro e- would have charged me to rewire.
Info to help:
house is ~ 2200sq’
Attic provided provided access to all ceiling lights and switches. crawl space (4′ height) provided space for most of the in floor recepticals.
I used ~ 150′ of 14, 250′ of 12, 100′ of 10, 60′ of 6. 50 recepticals, 30 switches, 2 fan/lights.
don’t ding me too hard about “not enough info to provide an answer” I’ve already done the work I’ve just trying to justify it in my mind (also, so I can use the number for references when the wifes asks if is worth it).
Ok... I won't hammer you too hard on "not enough info"... but it's not enough info LOL. I'll give you a few "rules of thumb" that my sparky tells me to use when quoting.
On fish, he tells me to quote at $50 per drop (includes any replacement work). On runs, $10 per lineal ft. On fixtures, $75per. Receptacles and switches... $25per. Conduit work... he bids. Box work... he bids. Note...this is labor only. The materials are at cost. Any drywall work is my responsibility to repair (he doesn't like the feel of drywall mud). He won't step on a job without at least $1500 worth of work.
Attic work... much beer after work. Attic work when hot... he forces me to grab a hot wire at least once a day. Crawl space... he won't do... he makes my fat arse do any work in the crawl space. If he sees a spider, he is worse than my wife with a mouse (imagine a grown man standing on a table screaming in a shrill voice).
If your wife is givin' you a tough time about the number of hours and the mess... just remind her that almost every sparky has been shocked a few too many times. They also have spent many hours putting up with elec inspectors (worse than being shocked too many times). They are cranky, obtuse, smelly, paranoid, work at a pace that makes a turtle look like Dale Earnhart Jr, whine constantly, always late, and have the personality of a rock... but worth every nickel spent!!
Edited 7/28/2004 7:04 pm ET by Rich
I would say all the numbers look good was writing down numbers when i noticed the other reply. Might get someone cheaper, but with electric i have learned that cheaper isnt always better.An inch to short. That's the story of my life !
bstcrpntr --- I hope to grow into this name.