how to fix 2′ sinkhole at the edge of a concrete patio

hi all,
i have a sinkhole at the edge of a poured concrete patio……it is 2-3′ feet wide and deep in the grass abutting the concrete. There is a downspout that empties onto the patio about 10′ from the edge of the grass/patio where the hole is. I’m assuming the sinkhole is caused by the runoff from the downspout…….there is about a 2″ per 10′ slope away from the downspout to the grass
1) i was going to fill in the hole with my native clay/dirt mix and tamp every few inches
2) how do i keep the hole from recurring? without busting up the concrete to run a drywell? I cant run an “above concrete pipe” as the patio is a walkway
3) is there a way to diffuse the water? should i put a gravel border around the patio?
4) would a channel drain to a drywell be best?
thanks everyone in advance
That's a common problem here in south Florida and the only solution is to get the water out past the area where the ground is sinking. I ran my pool deck drains out about 25' past the edges of the pool to stop that same problem.
thats what i figured "florida" thank you.......