How To Flash Ext. Window on wood siding?

What’s the proper way to flash the top of an exterior window? The siding is painted vertical wood. The window trim is painted 1×4’s with butt joints.
I read somewhere about cutting a slot and then sliding the flashing into it and then caulking the joint.
I’ll have to take a picture and attach it.
Z flashing behind the siding (and any housewrap, etc) and over the head casing, with the front lip of the Z lapping the front edge of the casing.
The bullet proof way is to do it while the house is being built.
A Z-shaped piece starts behind the moisture barrier on the sheathing, and ends by lapping over the head of the window.
Anything less is a compromise, but some methods are fairly good.
Unless you're the lead dog, the view just never changes.
You may have to pop the head casing (and the furring framing the R/O) to slide that zed-flashing up under everything, and then nail it back on once the metal is in place. If you wanna be really super good, re-set the furring so the nails holding it to the wall don't penetrate the flashing. (You might have to lift one board on each side of the window to do that.) Then use short nails to re-attach the siding and trim.
Hope you get lucky and don't split the trim; it can be hard to match. Go easy and use one of those real thin pry bars. Cut the paint at the join with a razor knife first, too.
How now, Mighty Sauron, that thou art not brought
low by this? For thine evil pales before that which
foolish men call Justice....