How to install exterior french doors on poured foundation floor?
I have installed used french doors coming from my kitchen which has concrete floors to my back patio, and the door did not come with a thresh hold so I installed two thresholds one for each door and now when it rains i have water flowing into my kitchen and it seems to be coming from under the threshold but i have sealed it and replaced it and it still leaks. NEED HELP!
Pictures? Hard to provide advice w/out more info.
Is the floor of the house flush with the patio? At a minimum, you'll need a pan under the door well sealed to the concrete and then a single threshold all the way across. If you have some pictures we can see better how to help.
Thanks for the info I'm at work at the moment and ill try to get some pictures on here today. But no the floor is not flush with the patio its like 1in to 1in 1/2 higher then the patio. Is there a prefered threshold I should use for this?
Here is pictures of it as soon as I had it installed.
Good, you've got a better chance at stopping the leaking. Typically what we do with doors like that is make an aluminum or copper pan that the entire door frame sits in. The pan extends to the edge and folds over. That prevents any water from running in the door but of course, you still need to seal the gap between the frame and framing.
Alright, and i have sealed all that off but the floor is still a problem and i guess i need to get a pan and what would be the best sealant for between the metal pan and the concrete and i still havent really found a long enough threshold that looks like it would be right for an exterior door. Also what should i use to lift the threshold cause i have a gap, i guess about an 8th of an inch maybe between the door and the threshold which i have shimmed at the moment with cardboard just till i fix it correctly.
Trying to enlarge pics on the door sill, but to me it looks like the door threshold is backwards, so pitched part that sheds water is on the inside?
Also, just noticed in your original post that you said you installed 2 thresholds, should have 1 continuous one with no breaks. The pitched part of the sill should extend past the wall plane so water does not puddle in front of door threshold on floor. I can’t tell from
pic very well but it looks like there’s 1” or so of exposed slab in front of the threshold on the outside? Probably b/c threshold is backwards.
Yes the person installed them in backwards! I have fixed that and sealed everything off, it still leaked. I may be wrong (probably am) but it seems i can only find longer ones for interior flooring,
It’s a special order threshold and a big box store probably won’t be able to order you one. Can try building supply stores in your area or there are a couple websites you can order from. Ive ordered from and it worked well for me. A good threshold will have adjustments within the seal, so you can fine tune the gap at bottom of the door.