House built in the 1800s, in zone 6. Homeowner really wants to put a little insulation in the attic roof while we put a new roof on. However, he only wants to do 2″ of XPS and R-13 fibreglass. Is there a way to do this without soffit vents or any roof venting? Can I do XPS on inside the building, spanning the rafters, after the fiberglass is installed?
I know, it’s bazaar.
Hey there, I am not sure from your post if the attic is accessible, or if the insulation has to be added from the outside. The best solution may be a combination of both. RIgid foam over the sheathing, purlins then metal roof. Inside spray foam... not sure what you have exactly, and there are probably some budget constraints too?
Spray foam on the underside of the roof deck and down over the gables to make a completely enclosed space.