Looking to get the load calcs and duct design for my home, new construction. Does anyone have a recommendation of a company?
The area of VA I live in doesn’t check the manual numbers, so HVAC guys have been over sizing for years. Looking for a quality system
I used this software ten years ago to run the numbers.
Does not do duct design, but will get you BTU per room needed.
I agree the usual sources like to put in larger than required systems. more profit, easier calculation. Bigger is better.
I've used these guys out of Utah before, if not using a local HVAC vendor - quick turnaround and good pricing.
I was just looking for one today and like this one.
How about letting us know what jurisdiction you are building in? That would narrow down your options for professionally licensed referrals, don't you think?
I agree with your assessment that most mechanical systems are oversized...and therefore inefficient-- on many levels. Bigger is not always better as most Americans have been indoctrinated to believe, seemingly, by default. But that reality is not unique to VA; I hear of similar complaints all across the United States.
Check out https://betterbuiltnw.com/hvac-sizing-tool
Seems to work fairly well for newbies. There's a definite learning curve- set aside a few hours for playing around.