Do any of you veterans out there have any advise on shopping for and buying general liability insurance? I’m trying to become a Lowe’s subcontractor to help carry me through the winter (really slows up here in NE Oklahoma), and they require that I have it. I don’t know any contractors around here that carry it, because it’s so expensive. Thanks in advance Joe
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Hi Joe. First, you're gonna hear it from everybody about it being a bad idea subbing from Lowe's. Next, I have my ins through State Farm. About $600/yr. I had no problem getting it, just walked through their door six years ago and been dealing with them ever since.
Thanks Greg,
I have my auto and homeowners insurance through them, and love 'em. I know there good, because I had a house fire the end of July, and had a settlement from them in a week, and they were more than fair with me. But when I checked on general liability, they were twice as high as some others I'd checked with. maybe I should pay the price and stick with them.
Is there something about Lowe's I sould know? I get a little nervous this time of year. I've only been in business for myself about a year and a half, but last winter it went dead for about two months. I'm alot busier this year and probably have enough to carry me through the first of the year, but I'm still skiddish. Thought it might be a good move, so tell me if you know something I don't. Thanks again.
Joe from Vinita,OK
Just confirm what they'll require you to do for the price they're looking to pay. Usually the price they charge the homeowner is at or above what most contractors would charge, but the portion the contractor gets for doing the work is sub-par. They also usually require you to field-measure and verify the job scope, and also warranty the work for callbacks. Lastly, check to see who's responsible when Lowes orders the wrong stuff, you go out to install it, and can't complete the job. Usually you end up eating the return trips and wasted time.
I can't give you any advice on Lowe's but if you can possibly keep your own work going, you should do it. The work available may not be as steady or pay as well but you will be building up the business that you want in the future. You will not be doing this working for Lowe's or anyone else.
One other thing: You should get liability insurance for your own business, even if you have to raise your rates a little to cover it.
If you served in the military then I'm sure you're aware of USAA. If so, you can get insurance through them from "The Hartford" Insurance Co. (Hartford, CT). If not, you can call The Hartford directly. Honestly, I don't remember what I pay, but its very reasonable.
"If you served in the military then I'm sure you're aware of USAA. If so, you can get insurance through them from "The Hartford" Insurance Co."
Great recommendation. I've had all my insurance through them since 1987 and the is no equal. BUT they have no agents, just deal direct over the phone, 1-800-531-8080 for prospective new members. Best reputation in the industry. Until a few years ago you had to be an commissioned officer (in the one of armed services) to be a member, but that has changed.
FYI, Because I purchased my Hartford policy through USAA, USAA's reps handle all my inquiries (they have a specific group who is fully versed on The Hartford so that they may serve the policyholders). I effectively never have to speak directly with the Hartford as I just call USAA.
Its been great.
I use The Hartford for my bus. ins. State Farm wants you to have bus.lia.ins. for two years with someone before they will write you. I carry a lot of ins. with State Farm for a number of things but got the best coverage and price from The Hartford. You have got to get coverage at what ever the cost. There is no good reason to go about business with out it. One dropped hammer on someones head is all it takes to lose your arse.
Restoring the past for the future.
Don't know if ERIE Insurance is available to you. I have Statefarm for personal stuff and Erie for business, they came in very reasonable and in NY where I live they will credit back about $800/year for Workers comp. if they have no exposure (meaning you don't hire any employees) for the year.
We become by effort primarily what we end up becoming
- Zig Ziglar
Certainly check with your current agent but if that fails you'll have to get on the phone and start calling. I would suggest calling independent agents since they usually rep for many companies and have a better chance of finding the policy you want at a price you can afford.
You didn't ask but I'l give you my take on Lowes anyway. I did installations for them for about 6 months. I'm pretty sure I never made a dime and it may have cost me money. The sales people thye have don't have a clue what a job needs so half the time we would get there to find that the door they had sold and delivered wasn't even the right size. They promised to pay me for making field measurements but kept "forgetting" to include the money in my checks. Nothing was ever their fault, they docked my check for everything they could and constantly cheated me out of money due me. In the end they owed me nearly $2,000.00 and wouldn't pay me. I don't even go in their stores anymore.
One word of advice. Don't become too dependant on Lowes. Being a sub for a place like that will keep you busy and provide cash flow. BUSY and CASH FLOW are not always the same as PROFITABLE.
Use it for what it is, and never lose sight of what it is.
I always had good luck with erie when i was self employed.