ICF Foundation to Huber ZIP Panel

I have a foundation/stem wall build with ICF forms and framing with Huber ZIP. I intend the waterproof the ICF with Liquid Rubber Foundation sealant. What is he best option to deal with the joint between the ICF and ZIP.? Just extending the rubeer 6 inch on to the Huber ZIP panel?
That would work but you would need to confirm with Huber to see if the products are compatible.
I'd just Zip tape the bottom of the zip sheathing to the face of the ICF or use Liquid Zip to glue strips of vinyl deck sheathing to the top of the ICF before bolting down the mud sill and then do the same w/ liquid Zip to adhere the vinyl to the Zip panels before hanging the house wrap. I'm not sure if this illustration will be much help but here it is anyway.