I know someone here can work this out. I have a short run of 4″ sewer pipe that was replaced about 5 years ago with PVC, total about 20ft before it hits the city sewer line. I have the toilet back up about 1-2 times a year within that 20ft. I use one of those pressure balloon and it clears no trouble at all, 2 min job. I’m really curious to see if there’s a partial blockage somewhere. I called a few plumbers for a price on a video cam inspection, the cheapest I got was $150. A bit too much for curiosity. I pulled out an old computer ball camera, the one that sits on your monitor, taped a small flashlight to it, attached to the end of a garden hose (not connected) which I used to push the camera and light through the horizontal drain. It kind of worked but the light just wasn’t bright enough plus the further it got down the drain there was no guarantee the camera would be facing the right direction. I’m sure with a bit more tweaking I could get this thing to work. I was thinking of a lowlight cam or a brighter light. I’m trying not to get too caught up in it because as a lot of you guys will know, the $150 service could be the cheaper option. Any and all advice appreciated.
I bought a super bright pocket flashlight at the local discount store - it has seven LEDs in it, I believe, and it only cost around $7.50 or so. If you could find one of those, and then build a little guide bracket out of coat hangar wire to hold the camera and light in the right position - I'm picturing something that has four ski runners at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees, that's snug enough in the pipe to keep everything pointed the right way but not so snug it gets stuck.
Of course, you may end up having to call in a plumber anyway, and then you'll have to explain how you got a computer camera stuck in your sewer pipe....
Try different lights, to see which color light the camera is most sensitive to (probably the bluer the better) and which produces the best "definition". Also, have more than one light source. I'm thinking 3-4 LED lights in a "halo" around the camera might work out.
Or buy yourself a dog.
realy its all done with mirrors
The cheapest solution would be to cut the section out, look at it, then put it back in. Cost: two couplings.
Combining some already posted ideas:
Couple of LED flashlights, wire brackets to hold everything positioned the way you want, mount on top of a short piece of wood or a couple pieces of PVC conduit. Most importantly - a cord to pull the whole mess out. Push it in with a piece of wood / pipe / whatever - pull it out by the cord.
Keep in mind the wood / conduit sled only needs to be long enough to keep the sled from rotating in the pipe - a foot or so would do it.
You never mentioned if this is a straight run - bends or elbows - all bets off on this contraption working.
Bends or elbows = "Golly Mr. Plumber, I have no idea how that camera and light rig got inta' my sewer line - just wait'll those darn kids get home!"
Option #2 - forget about it until you need to invest another 2 minutes to clear the line with the balloon thingy.
Option #3 - pay the $150.
Never underestimate the value of a sharp pencil or good light.
Thanks, Just 1 45 deg.
Yeah, in addition to whatever stiff thingie you use to push it through, tie a STOUT rope to it, with a reliable knot.I can't think of an obvious pre-made "sled", but whatever it is it only needs to be about 6" long for a 4" pipe.(Hmmm, maybe a plastic pop bottle?)
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Get the little guy who shuts the light off in the fridge to go down there with the camera and light.
>>> Get the little guy who shuts the light off in the fridge to go down there with the camera and light
Also, be kind to him and don't use the bathroom till he comes out.
Speaking of the little guy who shuts off the light in your frige, I used to work maintaining houses for Federal Gov. We once got a work order to fix a frige because the tennant complained that the light did not go off when the door was shut.
Also neighbour just had new waste line installed to his toilet. Suddenly toilet plugging up every 10 uses or so. Had plumber come back to check it out. Turns out the drain line was too steep. The water runs away and leaves the sh*t behind. The plumber re set slope to about .25 inch per foot and all is okay now.
What is your slope?
Edited 3/24/2007 5:15 pm by GOLDENBOY
Have you looked into renting a fiber optic scope?
Or become a golfing buddy with a proctologist.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
Where would I look for one for one of them?
I'm curious what you come up with and if it works.I talked to my son about putting a web cam in a sewer line and he doesn't think it will work.He thinks the picture will be of poor quality and low resolution and you won't be able to see anything.Good luck!^^^^^^
a Smith & Wesson beats four Aces
Like the world is waiting for CinemaScope sewer pictures.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
I guess I was hoping for something high quality you would record and keep with the family videos.Then we you had company and showed videos of the kids' graduation, wedding, birthday party, family reunion, last year's vacation, and of course your sewer line. ^^^^^^
a Smith & Wesson beats four Aces
I asked for a tape of my c-scope, but they wouldn't do it for me. I'm sure that's something everyone would like to see.
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
I'm just brainstorming here.What if you took your cell phone with video camera and attached it to the line on a fishing pole.Let it slide down the sewer line and take some pictures.Reel it back in and wipe it off with a paper towel and resume using the cell phone.^^^^^^
a Smith & Wesson beats four Aces
Give a new meaning to "potty talk".
So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable Creature, since it enables one to find or make a Reason for everything one has a mind to do. --Benjamin Franklin
>>>>>>Give a new meaning to "potty talk".I thought my myth or mythter joke was bad.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
Get the ball camera out of its box- chances are you can make it a lot smaller in diameter by getting rid of the unnecessary plastic.. Put it inside a plastic baggie to keep it dry. Get a brighter LED flashlight. Tape the whole works to your hose and you're away to the races. No sled needed- once you get rid of the ball-shaped box, the lens will aways point in the right direction!