Inspector approval for DIY spray foam
In Torrance, (Southern) California, I applied Foam It Green from Guardian Energy Technologies, a 2 part spray foam insulation, to one wall of a remodel. My local building inspector will not approve it (I’m remodeling my home under a permit).
Seems that in California, insulation products need to be listed on the California Department of Consumer Affairs list of approved insulation products. Who knew?
Has anybody else experienced and successfully resolved this problem? Absent that, anybody know and easy way to remove applied spray foam polyurethane (my wife wants her living room back).
Ask the inspector about "alternate methods and materials" approval for the foam you used. Gather up all the specs from the manufacturer and submit the application. Enough persistence in the face of the powers that be and you'll probably get it OK'd. I've used materials the inspector never saw before, and talking to the manufacturer's tech reps usually helps get it done.