Last year we embarked on a remodel and vaulted our ceilings in the kitchen and the living room areas. Due to title 23 (California) and that cash got really low we did not purchase the three- (3) island lights until now.
Being a DIY’r it looks like I am going to need to install them myself as our electrican keeps on postponing scheduling the job.
I would like to know if anyone can recommend to me a laser level that I can use to project a beam from the island to the ceiling? I have been looking at the Black & Decker¯ BullsEye Auto-Leveling Laser with Digital Tape Measure on line. Any thoughts or would I be better off with a plumb bob and string?
Attached are two pictures from last year to give you an idea of what I am working with. The ceiling is T&G Pine.
Unless you anticipate using it for quite a lot of future things Stan, I'd sure use a $10 plumb bob (or rig one up for nothing) before spending 150 bucks or so for a decent laser...
Get a laser pointer from a office supply store (or gas station) and a level. Hold the laser pointer on the level, make sure you are level vertically, repeat for the other angle. Repeat as often as needed.
Dirt cheap and simple. Did it myself over the island in my house.
"Though I don't think" added Deep Thought "that you're going to like it."