I would like to here from a mainland carpenter and ask a few questions about cabinets.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Let her rip danny, there's plenty of them here.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
This is a perfect place to attach a drawing...........but how??????? What file does it have to be in? Never had a problem in the OLD board. LUCKA? HELP!
Down below the edit box. No, a little further than that. Yeah, almost at the bottom of the edit box screen... There's a button for attatching files.
Hit the button, and start working with it. Best way to learn. Hit the buttons and watch what happens. Biggest thing to remember about this one is that when you actualy submit the files, you have to wait. And wait. And wait.... until the file is all the way uploaded. BEFORE you hit the button to continue and post your message.
As for file types, same rules apply here as the other place. .jpg is the most friendly for a pic file. .gif is second best. .bmp and other pic file types will cause problems on some peoples' computers. Best to stick with .gif and .jpg
Whattaya mean, I can't be three people at once ???!!?
We talked about you renaming as LOKI before.
Can you capture that name now?Excellence is its own reward!
As Jeff you had the hammer!
Edited 3/31/2002 1:28:13 PM ET by piffin
You should still see the hammer beside the name Luka.
The hammer goes with the login account. Doesn't matter what nickname I choose, the hammer should always show.
As I understand it, there will be a change at some point, where we will cut the umbilical cord from all the rest of prospero, and this forum will be separated from prospero, and integrated with the main Taunton website. When that happens, there will be some changes.
Aside from the obvious of no more profanity, petty personal attacks, etc, there will be some changes in logins. For one, if the name you chose as your login account name was not acceptable, because it was already taken, (Luka was already taken.), it will no longer be.
This will make a lot of people, (including me), happy. Along with the fact that your 'nickname' will probably be locked to the login name as well. eg, it doesn't matter who you are right now, you can change your nickname to anything you want. Even if that nick is already being used by someone else. But with the integrated setup, I believe once a nick is taken, it can't be used by anyone else. I may be wrong, but that is what I understand of it.
Whattaya mean, I can't be three people at once ???!!?
So, what are the questions?
Ask all the questions you like Danny. You say mainland. Are you from Hawaii???
Maybe Danny is aboard a boat and having trouble getting his cabinets plumb.Bob
"Rather be a hammer than a nail"