I want to install a grab bar in my grandmothers shower. My questions are … how do I drill ceramic tile without cracking it. How do I find the studs to fasten the bar? The shower wall is on an exterior wall of the building with brick on it. Will stud finders work through ceramic tile – do they use a metal mesh to hold the tiles??? She doesn’t live near by so I cant check it out first.
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Moyra - I suggest that you 'wing it' - literally, for more information click on this hot link for more information on a new grab bar mounting system
i without
need for blocking. You don't need to find the studs anymore. I've seen it take the weight of a 300-lb man with two mounts in 1/2" drywall.
A carbide-tipped hole saw ought to do it (wear safety glasses for this one). You'll need a good pilot hole first. If you're not adept with a serious drill, get help.
(of course, all of the above 'at your own risk')
Go to your local Home Depot or somesuch. They will have special drill bits for ceramic tile. they look like little spoons and work great in a standard home owner size drill.
Start the hole by nicking the tile using a hammer and a sharp punch, then drill away.
Don't worry about studs. If the wall is sound, plastic anchors should be enough.
Just a joke about the plastic anchors, right?
*I think Roger's joking about the plastic anchors, but I would agree with Jeff about the WingIt's, for tile walls they are great. But you will need a 1-1/4" carbide tip hole saw.Hey, but maybe you'll be lucky and someone installed blocking. (HaHa)
*I think Jeff has got the ticket (above), but you will still need to have some idea of where the studs are so you can be sure and miss 'em. As far as I'm concerned, I 've never found a stud finder that was worth a darn. I'd be real suprized if you found one to work reliably through tile. Usually, just taping the wall with a knuckle, hunting around with a drill and small drill bit, or a nail works for me, but maybe not in your case. Or, does the tile go all the way to the ceiling? If not you can find the studs up high on the wall, and then come down the wall with a 4' level - and miss 'em or not - your choice. Or, if the house is old, it could be solid masonry with furing strips - no studs. When I say solid masonry, I mean build of block with a brick exterior.Also, try searching the BT archives for "stud finder".
Hey , why not do your "exploratory" (sure wish this site had a real
spell chek) drilling in the grout line. It's almost always white and easy to touch up. if its near the base you might have to find some of that greenish- black stuff. And don't waste your money on plastic anchors , just use old toothpicks.
Are there any outlets or switches in the wall? There is (almost) always a stud on one side or the other, then measure 16" and hope your ruler is in sync with the builders. Conceivably, you should be able to measue from an outlet (or any known stud) in an adjoining room on the same exterior wall.
Rich Beckman
*Colour me sheepish, but I thought that four good sized anchors through tile/thinset/cementboard on either side of a grab rail should be enough. Plastic anchors won't hold bugger all in drywall, but they seem to really grab tile backing. Not that I've ever installed a grab bar.
*I am assuming that you just 'forgot' to mention that the only bubble gum that is acceptable for the job of holding those used toothpicks in the wall with is Bazooka....
*Tim, plastic toothpicks exist, and are often available on a complimentary basis at establishments which use them to soak olives. This source is personally satisfying, and provides a no-cost, high-tech combination of the best features of plastic anchors and conventional wooden toothpicks.Extra dryly, Steve
*I saw those Wingits at the Kitchen and Bath show in April. Their booth had a mocked-up standard tiled wall suspended in the air. A porch swing hung from two Wingits in that wall, and every time that I passed, one of sales reps, who went perhaps 300lbs., was swinging away. I was impressed. Andy
I want to install a grab bar in my grandmothers shower. My questions are ... how do I drill ceramic tile without cracking it. How do I find the studs to fasten the bar? The shower wall is on an exterior wall of the building with brick on it. Will stud finders work through ceramic tile - do they use a metal mesh to hold the tiles??? She doesn't live near by so I cant check it out first.