I am a home-owner (translation: amateur). I am installing Typar house wrap over OSB sheathing. For this situation, the Typar installation instructions state:
“When installing Typar over sheathing, use large-head nails long enough to penetrate and grip framing studs.”
What exactly are “large-head nails”? Are 16d, full round-head nails acceptable?
It doesn't take much to hold housewrap in place. I wrap solo and use a hammer tacker (staples).
You could also use roofing nails, they have a large head, or cap nails.
NOT framing nails <G>
16 penny framers would be excessive. Like Ralph said, staples work well, or short roofing nails. If you plan to get it coveredd with siding pretty quickly, staples are fine. The problem is if you leave the wrap exposed for very long, the wind could tear it loose from the staples, that's why they recommend large head nails.
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Great! I didn't think I needed to use full nails that went into the studs. That seemed excessive, but since this is the first time I've done this, I wanted to make sure.Once again, BREAKTIME solves another problem for me.Thanks!
I see it now. You read the instructions as "large nails with heads".
And you don't need to hit the studs with the typar nails. Don't forget that all the siding nails will trap the typar between the siding and the sheathing, and they will be into the framing.
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt