I have question. Where I live they are building new track houses. And when they installed the windows. They installed some without sheathing. And some on the same wall with the sheathing on first. They will sheath the latter after the windows are installed. The houses are to be stuccoed. What method is right. I can only assume they are both right. So on new construction which would be right for me. I’m building a shop. Or an unattached building. Thanks Tim
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Go over and ask them why they installed these windows in this fashion...some over top the sheathing, some underneath the sheathing. I'm curious as to their answer!
Sheath your walls first, then install your windows. If you are going to use a house wrap or felt paper, do it in this order:
1. sheath walls
2. cover sheathing with house wrap
3. cut out housewrap in window framed areas. Cut an "X" and fold wrap inside around window jambs and sill area.
4. use epdm style flashing tape and secure housewrap flashing of window jambs and sill.
5. install windows. Put a bead of silicone caulking underneath each window nailing flange before nailing.
6. Make a horizontal cut in housewrap at top of window before nailing off header flange.
7. slide window header flange underneath housewrap and nail off. Let housewrap hang over top of header flange.
8. Tape down housewrap overtop of header flange. Use epdm type flashing tape for this purpose.
If you are going to vinyl side your building, buy the windows with the "J" channel already pre-attached to the window unit. Will save time , look neater, and shed water better than if you cut and installed the "J" by hand.