Insulating cargo container for part time use
We have mountain land that we camp at, but a few years ago we put a shipping container on it. I found wool carpet remnants for the floor and plan to do a green roof. I have an idea that I could hang some sort of, not SIP, but IP from the big metal rings near the ceiling and that might keep up us cooler in Summer and less condensation drips? It is hot and dry in Summer but we have some shade in morning. Winter weather goes no lower then 20 degrees. (3000 ft elevation Northern California.) Use it now for Spring and Summer Vacations.
Without any suplimental heat or cooling perfect insulation would keep the inside temperature at the average outdoor temperature. If you are primarily concerned with heat, the cheapest and easiest thing you could do would be to make sure that the thing is shadded from the sun all day long, since this is basically camping. I don't recommend any exposed insulation but make sure you have plenty of ventalation.