Hey all, I finally got H.O. insurance on the shack (see my kentucky home threads) and it was a Bitch..seems no one wants to insure a house in progress..and the one Co. that DID can’t cover my tools on site ‘less I am livin there..ever run into anything funny or not so funny like this?..Or is it common and I just never knew it or never cared?…any thoughts?
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I know from dooing new constuction that the HO is required to at least have fire ins. as soon as the first stick goes up.
I am assuming that you are not a "contractor" and don't have general liability possibly with a rider to cover tools and equipment?
I would think that a HO or Tenants Policy from where you do live would cover your stash. Can you put up a mailbox and get some mail and qualify it as your home? Your paying taxes right? Ins. Co.s suck.
man, I got the mailing address..I am not licesened in Ky, I am in NC. Payin taxes ? you bet. I can't even get my tools covered on my auto, they say it falls on Home owners..home owners says the house has to be DONE. What a bunch o crap..But at least I insured the hell out of the place in case I kick the wrong log and she fall in on me<G>..liability too for my paid helper and John Q. public..
Keep the place well lit at night, or use a couple of motion detector thingees......might not hurt to pay a visit to the PO lice (ain't that how ya'll say it?) and ask them to keep an eye on things or the local dirtbags wich ever consumes less time!
As of now, I kill the power when I shut down ..one neighbor not too far away..lotsa dogs everywhere..PO leese..very funny, did you not read Gunners thread "Jailers these days, sheesh"..THat was right here Bro..lol
very funny, did you not read Gunners thread "Jailers these days, sheesh"..THat was right here Bro..lol
oh man that was funny as shlt!!! Must be alot of brain cells floating around in some parts!!
Yeah, the deputies have the bullet in their shirt pocket.."too weeks ago I cou'nt spell de pu tee, now I are one"..lol.
My renters policy will cover my tools anywhere they are "locked up" Supposely covers them at the company shop or any of our jobs. I recently spoke withmy agent about insuring them in my truck boxes against theft, said he could write a ~5k policy for about 100 bucks a year.
others here in the past have spoken about "inland marine" (I think that's the name) policys to cover tools, I have no idea what they are or entail though...
I am thinkin about putting in a shop trailer till I can finish the house AND then build my new shop..maybe then I can say that the TRAILER is finished..? only payin 12.00 a thou. on HO Liability/fire/flood/quake/hail/rain/wind/ damage..no too bad.
seems no one wants to insure a house in progress..and the one Co. that DID can't cover my tools on site 'less I am livin there.
We've done well on under-construction houses with both Allstate and State Farm, although State Farm was picky about completion time. Allstate paid off when my (liability only) van burned with more than a few tools and two welders in it. Not graciously, but they paid. It was under my homeowners' policy which was only for non-business use of the tools. Don't know if they'd touch your kind of rehab, but worked fine for us. You've gotta be very careful to label it correctly to fit into their guidelines. A good agent helps.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Thanks Tom, I basically told State Farm to put it where the sun don't shine..I switched my auto as well from them. Just because it is LOG they won't touch it..there is no mortgage so no bank involved..I felt they were just being pissy..so now everything is covered 2 trucks and a car, and the house, and my tools are not. SO FAR..to be continued..
I basically told State Farm to put it where the sun don't shine..
LOL... I don't do business with them either, that was the client house that he got his own insurance for. The biggest problem I've encountered was no heating system here. Got a lot of turn-downs for that, including Farm Bureau, amazingly enough. Client house got a heatpump so no issue.
For our place, I got an Allstate policy that started as soon as I'd poured the footings. No house, but I had homeowners' insurance with all the attached goodies. Which, if you think about it, made a lot of sense from their viewpoint. The underwriter did make a point to visit here because he didn't understand the construction. Not that a site visit educated him much, but I got the policy. No mortgage on either of these places either. I assumed you didn't have one, at least not a standard one.
You sure your tools aren't covered in your home? Not to mention in your vehicle? I've gone beyond Allstate and got better rates from a company specializing in low risk. Both companies cover(ed) non-business use of tools, vehicle contents, unlicensed vehicles, and outbuildings as a standard part of the homeowners' policy. That includes my two Cats, crane, and compact tractor! Homeowners' insurance, it's a deal. PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
I am really surprised that you got anykind of HOME OWNERS insurance at all. Now you might have gotten builders risk, but I am not sure what all that covers.
From what you said earlier that the shape that it was in when you first bought it that it was worth more if the building had burned down. Insurance companies don't like that like of a building, at ALL.
What did they insure the building for and how did they evaluate it?
I insured the building for 40k..at 12.00 a thou...cheap, I thought another place wanted 6000.00 a yr. for 30k...I will be increasing the amount as I progress and when I LIVE there my tools will be covered..it's odd because it is log..no one wants to touch it, other than the guy I got who just did the same thing I am doing!