Or tell me it’s already out there.
I want to take a digital photo of a bunch of rocks laid out on the ground & have a program sort them into the best fit & give me a numbered print out of which one goes where.
Similar to a cabinet cut program that lays out cab parts on ply to get the best fit/least waste.
Go for it Oh Computer Wizards, let me know when it’s ready for testing.
Joe H
Edited 12/1/2006 8:09 pm by JoeH
I'm sure that there are folks out there who have most of that program written -- it's a fairly simple pattern recognition and bin packing problem. The trick is finding someone who has the pieces and is interested in such a rather mundane application.
Around here that kind of program is not hard to find, though the legal status can be questionable. English must be optional. lol?. Jim