Is One Better? R-panel or U-panel

Is there any advantage to using one style of Metal roofing panel over the other?
The buildings are outbuildings for store and shop. Currently, I have the U-panel on a smaller two-story, 14’x 21′ gambrel-style storage shed, and the R-panel on a 4/12 gable roof of a 30’x 52′ building. Both are white with brown rake trim and gutters…
Your insight and help is really appreciated,
Greetings Bill,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again which will increase it's viewing.
Perhaps it will catch someone's attention that can help you with advice.
Thanks Rez.
So you are questioning which might be better, using a U-panel or an R-panel?
I have done a lot of metal roofing, but not familiar with the terminology. got links to what these are? Must be local descriptors
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Rez and Piffin,
I fellow told me he would never use U-panel again because if you need to walk on the roof, the rib spacing is about wide enough for one human foot making it a bit more dangerous for heavy-set guys. Plus, if you walk just on the rib tops, it bends or creases them to the point it's seen from the ground.
My thought was that if both are the same guage, then the one with more and deeper bends would be stronger...
Here's a link. Look on the left side under "U panel or R panel".
Also, instead of my memory being Piffin, the fellow answered about the technique for mounting new metal roofing to existing roofing. Like he said it is expensive... Boy was he right, "Whoo-Whee", a Ft. Worth roofing company charges $4.25 a foot to install it...then add the R-U panel white colored roofing is $500-$575 a square.
Any help or experience with the two types is really appreciated.
Edited 7/3/2008 11:03 am ET by BilljustBill
whale now...That roof hugger might be worth it if that model comes along and keeps winking at me like that.I just don't see any advantage to going over the old myself, but maybe in some cases....The R-panel is more like what i am used to except mostly with a 9" rib instead of 12"oc.The Upanel is more like I have seen on barns and industrial, but in a much heavier gauge. Never used it, but I can imagine that it could hide uneven surface like shingles under it, but that guy has a good point if you will be walking on it.
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