Finally my foresight paid off and NEVER throwing anything away,Son Gabe needed a outside faucet installed, I had a plumbing tool box filled with parts for copper plus extra pipe, Went over at 4 started no problem had everything but then found leaks already in other parts, OK might as well take everything apart and fix it now, Opps now the hot water flex pipe breaks, No worrys i have 2 more, Another shut off was bad, ok i got one, old but it works, Son was amazed i had everything first time in 10 years i did not have to go to the hardware store, Son and friends were very excited to learn how to solder copper. They fought to try it and were very good at it too. I even showed them some good plumbers crack and passed gas at just the right time while they were trapped behind the water heater and could make no escape = LOL [Laughing Out Loud]
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Wait just a minute,
Nowhere in that time did you say you cut a large chunk out of an important and expensive framing member so you could run a pipe through it rather than install a couple of elbows to go around it.
You can't call yourself a plumber until you do that.;)
Nowhere in that time did you say you cut a large chunk out of an important and expensive framing member so you could run a pipe through it rather than install a couple of elbows to go around it.
Yeah, "cut" as in taking your hammer and wacking a massive hole in masonry or taking the whole bottom half off a joist.
"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly.
I said 'I don't know.'"
-- Mark Twain
Plumbers NEVER have been known to do that.
you aren't a real plumber yet
Somebody needs to cut the cord off your sawsall first.
And you need two tattoos - an H on your left hand and a C on you right hand
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Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
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Regardless of what people believe, tests have shown that plumbers crack will not help with the installation! LOL