Anybody know where I can buy jacks similar to those in a FHB article on opening a bearing wall ( the article was in an issue about a year ago..I think). Years ago when my house was remodeled, the former owner offset the a first floor load bearing wall about 2 feet from the load carrying beam in the basement. Naturally, the floor joists are sagging. I need to slowly jack the floor until it’s where it is supposed to be and then put a beam/lally columns or a wall in the basement. I dont want to rent the jacks because I want to move everything gradually. I’ve searched under screw jacks on the net and just can’t seem to find what I need. Any help much appreciated.
Where are you located?
Craw, don't really know that article, but, if they're the screw lally type, round here, lowe's and home depot have 'em...where are ya? I'll send ya some...
Thanks for the reply, I know where to find the lally columns I didn't think they would have enough juice to jack the floor up. I'm guessing I have to go up 3/4 to an inch. I thought the lally columns were suitable to hold the floor up when I get it there but I didn't figure they'd be able to move the floor that much. Am I mistaken on that? Thanks again
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, you're right, you won't get much lift out of the lallys. HD rents bottle jacks and screw jacks for 12 and 10 bucks a day, respectively, I've gotten them from local rental places for as little as $3/day
Hope you get pumped up,BB
Thanks Bucksnort, or should I call you Billy? Don't be sorry, I appreciate the fact that so many take time to answer these questions.
Edited 7/29/2002 12:15:10 AM ET by craw
South Jersey
There were a bunch of us interested in those at the time. One of the editors posted here with the answer. I've had a system crash and reformatted the hard drive since then so I don't have the link in my bookmarks anymore but I did get some literature. I'll see if I can find it tomorrow but you migh try e-mailing the editors
Thanks , I'll try and dig up the issue tomorrow and send that e-mail
here's the company but I don't think they had that product on the website last year. You have to contact them about it.
Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks alot Piffin, I really appreciate the time that you and others take to answer questions for those of us less knowledgeable/expierienced. Have a good day
If you have any rental and contractor supply yards near you, like Rental Service Corp. (RSC) they will probably have screw jacks in stock. I can buy some pretty beefy screw-type jacks at RSC for about $110.
Online, you can find these at
And here's a place in Harrison New Jersey
I hope this helps.
Thanks Dave, I'll check those sites
Currently on Ebay
Do a Google search for "Otto Service" -- they're the place for all jack related stuff. Lots of useful info on their web site. The funny thing now is that decent screw jacks have gone up in price to where you can get a bottle jack cheaper. So I use the bottle to lift, and cribbing and shims to hold. Norco bottles from Japan have pretty much taken over the market here.
-- J.S.
I know i'm gonna get flamed for this, but here goes. See if your local mechanic has a heavy truck jack or two for loan. I have 2 30T units on the truck for just such a situation.
Can't I go 1 day without spilling my coffee?