We’re getting ready to remodel the bathroom, and, in the meantime, replace the existing toilet. LOML has seen and fallen for a right pretty design made by a company called Jameco. Given the stories I hear of poor toilet performance with low-flush toilets, I’m nervous about an unknown brand. Anyone
a) have any experience with this company’s toilets, good or bad, and/or
b) know of any current comparison studies?
Greetings H,
The Breaktime archives have little in response to Jameco toilets however this post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again.
Perhaps it will catch someone's attention that can help you with advice.
Thanks. I had looked there first, but there seemed to be nothing recent.
Our only 1.6 gallon toilet is a power-flush type, noisy but effective. Having heard horror stories about some of the poor designs of low-flow toilets - and since we're replacing our 3.5-gallon-flush toilet mainly to get better action - I want to be sure we get one that works well as the first priority, with prettiness second.
If I remember correctly, there have been a couple of posts regarding toilets, although Jameco was not one mentioned. I believe Toto probably got the most positive mentions with some others as follow ups...
Also, do a Google search on "toilet comparison", there are several articles that might be of interest.