I thought this would happen. It seems that the majority of new posts are on the main page. This makes it easier to surf the board in my opinion. I don’t like checking all the topics and I probably miss out because of it.
Can’t we all just stay on the same page?
I've been hassling Sean for about a month now to create a folder or list for "All New Threads" that would allow the user to "subscribe to" or "delete" from this list each "new Thread" as it turns up, so that scrolling all the various folders looking for new stuff isn't necessary. He has finally answered that he is "working" on it, but seems to have to fight the programme to accomplish it!! We can only hope he succeeds!!!
b Way tired of scrolling and waiting!!!
*Maybe the trip to the archives could be a two step affair. All threads start here, but after four days without a post, they move to a back page. Then another few days without a post...the archives!Rich Beckman
*Ah -- "sudden death." Wouldn't work, people here seem to have an opinion on everything....Do recall that when the "Brave New Board" debuted on Black Monday, you could not post to the default page at all. Only after the kvetchers threatened to hang poor Sean with a SN60 did they relent.
*U still up?
*37 seconds more...