Hi everyone! Just wanted to first say how much insight I’ve gleaned from all of the various points of view on this site. It is absolutely priceless!
Now for the meat of the matter- I recently got “hitched” and moved from a rural setting to an urban area about 50 miles away. I have been travelling over 100 miles a day to do the work I’ve contracted in the rural area. Needless to say the time wasted driving, as well as the fuel costs are getting pretty stale. I wouldn’t mind working in the rural area once in a while, since this is the place I’ve lived my entire life, but would love to pick up work in my new setting.
As a background, I specialize in decks and exterior renovations (siding, soffit, etc.) as well as smaller additions. I am a one-man show. To try to get word out of a “new kid in town,” I’ve placed a few yellow pages ads and have had some high quality tri-fold brochures printed up that I designed. They are full color and feature photos of some of my most impressive jobs. I have placed these in as many places of business as I’ve been able to.
Unfortunately, the phone isn’t exactly ringing off the hook. Any advice on things I should be doing? “Word of mouth” won’t be of much help, until referrals are requested. I appreciate all advice!
silver: networking in your new area will help, church,service clubs, volunteer organizations, professional contacts thru your lawyer, accountant, etc.
*I am sorry I can't offer much advice on this matter to you. In my area, 50 miles one way is normal traveling. I am currently working on a job that is 48 miles from my house to the jobsite. I really haven't thought much about it being too far away. I do think though, that there should be some kind of common denominator between the area that you were in, and the area you are now in. Relatives of yours or your clients? Business people who commute, and know you and your work? Gotta be something that can tie you with the old place, and the new place. Never hurts to have someone know you and your work. Name of the game is to get your name and reputation in front of the public as much as possible, as soon as possible. Saturate the area as best you can.James DuHamel
*If you have a friend in real estate They can request mailing lables from the title company for the map and grid area you want to penetrate. This will help get your fliers in the mail to your local community.Good luck!Bob
*Silver, contact the Realator's in your area, ie to make their sale happen, the wood to earth,loose railings, steps etc, all need to be fixed yesterday,also Plumber's in your neck of the woods, rotted floors around toilets, wood "trim" extraction, and if your able to do drywall repair, those plumbers are great to follow around, do all this after you have talked to local lumber yards. Best of Luck Hi O, J.J.
*Believe it or not stop by the local diner for breakfat , lunch ect and get takling with some of the locals, once they get to know ya they'll try ya out but believe me inna small town ya better be good the especially the first couple of jobs cuz they'll be watching ya close. but once ya get there trust the jobs will come in be patient it'll appen for ya. Good luck.
*Search the archives on "marketing" or something like that. This has been covered several times in great detail.