I mostly manage projects in structural steel, but I learn a lot on this forum. The other day, I had crew on my project do something I emphatically told them not to and I flipped out. I’m not their boss, so it wasn’t well received. However, I have to answer for any damage/etc. not them. How do you guys keep your cool when you’re responsible but not the boss man?
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you grab them by the ear and in a very rapid, back and forth motion stopping against a hard surface like a concrete wall on each stroke, you reply to them in a very clam but very loud voice. "Do your fricken job"
and then they will always reply "I,m a man, you got to respect me like a man, I,m a man"
and then call immigration.
problem solved
Haga su trabajo de fricken
It's tough to have responsibility without authority. Document quickly and accurately to the person who does have authority.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Responsibility with no authority? Best fix I see is a new job.
you can not have responsibility without authority or a course of action. It just doesn't work.
If someone puts you in that situation it's a problem.
If it were me, I'd do as you suggested and document it and call their supervisor and hold him accountable.
Yea I have to agree with you and Eddie. Way easier the replacing a whole crew.
Whale Oil Beef Hooked.
Depends on the severity of the action.
Communications SNAFUS are going to happen unfortunately. At times when I thought I was being perfectly clear in my intentions and directions the other person obviously heard something different. Sometimes it was my mistake, other times they were just a dumbass.
I've been in situations where I've knocked people off a job and called the trade contractor and had them send somebody else, I've "banned" certain individuals at various companies from our jobs, and once I ended up in a shouting match over the phone with an electrian and in no uncertain terms told him to remove himself from my job-site or be removed when I got there. Believe I shared that story with you?
That's the exception though, the only time I've "yelled" or "lost it" at work. It just doesn't work nor does it pay off. People tend to take you more serious when you're calm, collected, stern, and no hint of weakness of BS in your voice then when you start yelling.
Kid's and Crazy people, those are the only people I listen to when they yell at me.
Kid's might be in danger, and crazies, well.... ya just can't count on them being stable ;)
by the way as you can tell, class has me captivated ;)
Edited 8/28/2007 9:57 pm ET by CAGIV
That's the exception though, the only time I've "yelled" or "lost it" at work. It just doesn't work nor does it pay off. People tend to take you more serious when you're calm, collected, stern, and no hint of weakness of BS in your voice then when you start yelling.
Yep I've learned that lesson the hard way over the years. Stern and matter of fact beats out maniac any day.
Whale Oil Beef Hooked.
First... thanks all for your responses. Lets me know that my thoughts of the overhead hoist and atomic wedgies weren't all that disturbing. Anyways, I agree with the calm approach. I've tried the iron fist and all it does is cause premature aging and ulcers. I also agree with the new job suggestion. We've gone though a re-structuring that quite frankly ain't making it. I've looked around and haven't found anything that I thought I'd enjoy. This new arrangement may take a full year to work out the bugs. After thinking about Monday's events, the failure lies with me I'm afraid. I was distracted with all the attention from the peanut gallery in the white shirts looking to second guess our progress. Thus, I didn't guide the crew like I should have, and more importantly deal with one of them who came in hell bent for leather and in a big hurry. I know many here work "half days" and then some, but a week's worth of 12 hr days some of Saturday and big pressure left me coming in Monday just plain burnt. I told the peanut gallery it's me and 1 other guy running the show to control the circus and that fixed most of it. I'll take this as a lesson learned, next time I'll squash the chinese fire drill at first sight (calmly) and focus on the build. As they say, tomorrow is another day. Thanks all for chiming in.
Thus, I didn't guide the crew like I should have,But why should you, an employee should be able to do his job right without guidian. So grab him by the ears and.............Haga su trabajo de fricken
Are you their bosses boss? If so get their boss on the line-set him straight and get his but over to the job and set his guys straight. If you are responsible then you are in charge-Make that known.
If you are not in charge-figure out who is.
I personally like Brownbaggs suggestion
Ya gotta remember, that just like a baseball umpire or orchestra conductor, you are god and every sub and sub crewman on the site is merely a peon.
If they did something non bulder related, like pee in publi or throw trash on the ground, then you spend no more that 45 seconds trying to find out which person did it. If you succeed, 86 him, otherwise 86 every man in the crew, then find their boss and tell him he has to bring a different crew on site to complete his contract.
If it was bulider related, like you told them not to erect a particular wall yet, then you find their boss and see if he told them to go ahead. If not, 86 the gang leader on the crew. If their boss told them to go ahead, tell him to take it down, or you will and then you'll backcharge him for the demo.
If their boss gives you any shid, 86 him and tell him to send someone else to supervise his crew.
While you can't 86 the subcontractors' company, you can 86 any person in that company and make the company supply a replacement.
You're god, man, you never have to lose your cool, 'cuz you can make their time worthless.
You only ever have to do this once in your career, because you then acquire a reputation as a pure USDA approved Aitch Aye and no one will ever screw with you. Yell at people and they just think you're an AO.
Edited 8/28/2007 7:35 pm by SamT
I don't know Sam. Your plan of action puts me in mind of a guy that gets the #### rub on his coffee cup when he isn't looking. It would be hard to respect a guy that was that drastic. Granted peeing in public is a big deal. But I don't believe 86ing the whole crew just because you can't find the culprit is the right solution. Dealing with goofs like that is a balancing act.
Whale Oil Beef Hooked.
I am a site superintendant , its one of the hats I wear.
If we are holding the check to pay a sub, then they had better give us the utmost respect.
I have fired whole crews, I have had the office withhold check for pmt, due to delays caused by subs. Most recent was firing the sub, and finding a new one, just to prove a point.
We pay on time (unless we tell you we arent because you hold us up), our projects run smoothly and are almost always done before the deadline.
I know many subs that appreciate how we run work, and I have heward them telling "new" subs to not pizz us off because we are a good company to work for.
Make your point, nicely first. If that doesnt work go straight to the top of the sub company and tell them the problem and the only acceptable resolution to it. Do it nicely.
I make a point to never yell at work, but they know but what I say that BS is not tolerated.
The bad news is you've done exactly the right things to be exactly where you are today.
"IdahoDon 1/31/07"
its all about money, he who controls the money , controls the job.
Haga su trabajo de fricken
If i'm responsible, everyone answers to me. I dont mean to be a PITA but I will follow my subs around, and on occasion if I see something I dont like i'll stop them and clear up whatever I saw as a problem.
No need to be rude but you cannot successfully run a job without being in control.
Did you tell them not to do it? Or did you tell their boss not to do it and he either didn't communicate in time or miscomunicated?
Whale Oil Beef Hooked.