Looking for creative ideas to trim lally columns in a basement finish project. I’d consider anything from commercially available products designed for this purpose to suggestions that have worked for trimming with wood or alternate materials.
You like nautical?
Wrap heavy rope around, from bottom to top.
Then decorate the entire room like a boat!
Seriously....why not just build wood columns to surround them?
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I haven't tryed them out yet but our local yard carries a 2 piece pvc block that screws together and a set froms the base to screw drywall onto. Looked like it would work well.
Our local yard has a flexible mat with 1" wide X thin oak strips glued to it. You can wrap the column withis and either paint or stain. Sort of looks like beadboard when done. They also sell a 2 pc base and cap to finish it off...
I have just mitered 4 1x6 boards to wrap around the column. Here is a tip: prior to installation use some window/door foam to fill the void between the column and the wood. Makes the column a lot more solid. Be careful as to how much foam you use!!!
The Undisciplined Life Is Not Worth Examining.
There is a product out there called EZ column (I can't seem to find it at the moment)--it was slated for tools and materials for awhile, but for one reason or another it dropped out at the last minute.
It's basically a hinged block that wraps around the lally and the two sides fasten together with a screw. You place them something like 24" o.c. and then you can attach drywall or paneling directly to the EZ column with drywall screws or finish nails.
If you're looking for a more "made from scratch" project, I found this at the lowe's website: http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=howTo&p=HomeDecor/ci_1102ColumnCoverUp.html&rn=RightNavFiles/rightNavHomeDecor
Justin Fink - FHB Editorial
A next-door neighbor bought a hollow wood column off the shelf at Home Depot. He simply cut the thing in half lengthwise and glued the pieces together around the lally column. The wood removed in the kerf is minimal and you only see the seam if you are looking for it. It looks great.
Here is a link to Chadsworth's Columns, they make split columns that will cover your steel columns. They have a different materials and styles. http://www.columns.com
I'd once seen some flare butt posts (Tree trunks including the flare at the base where they'd meet the ground) cut in half and hollowed such that they could be biscuited back together around the column. It was done in a basement meant to look like a log cabin.
Looking for creative ideas to trim lally columns
Use the wood products that others have mentioned, but add to them so that the finished product looks like a baseball bat, or maybe a pool cuestick, or a bowling pin, or maybe a golf club or an umbrella.
Use paint and various trim pieces to make them look like pens and pencils, rockets, tree trunks, nails or drill bits.
Use that latex stuff that hollywood stuntmen use, and make them look like arms or legs that are holding up the ceiling.
Unless you're the lead dog, the view just never changes.
Depot's got a product called polewrap that kinda looks like a rolltop desk. Easy to apply and can be stained or painted.
These were my last lally covers. Hope they give you some ideas...
No one likes a show-off. ;-)
Great work.
Yes we do!
How else we going to get new ideas. :)
Thanks to all who responded...not sure exactly what I'll do but your ideas have helped.
Real nice work!!!
If I hadda nit-pic, it`d be the drywall soffets.
I like to wrap `em in wood.....make them look like actual beams being supported.
The columns are schweet though.
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real nice work.
here's what that poplar looks like when a good painter has some cherry stain.
(man, I hope that's poplar .....)View Image
Buck Construction
Artistry In Carpentry
Pittsburgh Pa
Edited 8/1/2005 3:32 am ET by JEFF J. BUCK
Buck is a way better carpenter/builder than photographer ;-)
Go here and look http://www.architecturaldepot.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=lally-columns
Gene Davis, Davis Housewrights, Inc., Lake Placid, NY