As an off shoot of the “who supplies the tools” thread.
Contractors/Bosses tell what tools you expect a Laborer/Carpenter/Lead-Carp to have and what anything above and beyond is worth to you.
Carps tell what you got and use on the job and what/whether you are compensated for it!
I’d start but My Caffiene just kicked in, if yoiu know what I mean :]
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
I'm fixxin' to go to bed, so I pass.
It's a bit of a sore subject with my bosses and some of the guys in the company. I've done some asking around to find that in privately owned residential companies who supplies what varies from company to company and is subjective to agreements made between both parties upon hiring. The company should always have some sort of handbook that lays all this out (along with other like items), and it should be solidly spelled out in print, that way there is no question.
Sorry, I got off the subject of this thread. I am a lead-carp job foreman and I have a truck load of tools which I use. All hand tools, all small electric tools, all nail guns, compressor, table and chop saws are mine. Ladders, riggings, larger machinery, "oddball" type tools (door jamb cutters), are the company's. I drive my own truck. They maintain and replace if necessary all tools. I have a shop load of other tools which I will not bring to any of their jobsites, even if they need them. Other guys tend to use the finer finishing tools of mine and don't know squat about their use or maintainence. Agreed upon salery reflects all this.