I have an Empire Blazer rotary laser which while not top of the line has done me good over the last couple of years. I recently went to use it and it seemed wacky. I checked it against a water level and it was about an inch out of level over 30′.
Is there an easy way to align it? I noticed two small hexes next to the vials. Is this where to adjust it? How would I do it?
*Easy there Luka, I know you're just joking but he may not. Although, it might be a good way to get introduced.. LOL. Jeff, you'll probably be best off taking it in and having it recalibrated. Its pretty tough to get perfect reference points at multiple distances.Steve
*I suspect that I don't want to know what RTMF stands for.
*Read The F.... Manual... Luka's just a joker and fun to have around.
*b : )In all seriousness, if the laser can be calibrated by the owner, there should be something in the manual about how to do it. If there is nothing in the manual, or... if you read and follow the directions, and that does no good, then take it in and have the service people do it.
*Well, after a couple of days looking thru all my junk I did finally find the case and manual. It doesn't say anything about leveling in it. I did get a response from the manufacturer, Blazer, and they told me it can't be recalibrated. I can however purchase one of their refurbished models for $100. I suppose I can use the laser to keep the cat occupied.
*Sorry to hear the news but at least it still has a use. Drives the kitties nuts doesnt it.Steve
*Wow.I've never seriously considered a laser level, but if I ever do, I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.
*Luka, after using one you'll never seriously consider living without it. When I bought mine, the salesman at the local lumberyard mentioned that it was gauranteededto still work if dropped from a height of 48" as he tossed it across the floor.Sure enough, it was still right on.So I said, "I'll take that OTHER one that you haven't been throwing around"
*Jeff,I find it hard to believe this can't be fixed. I don't have that laser so can't tell how fix but post the patent number and I'll try to find it. Seems like the base plate is out of plane with the unit. If it is worthless send it to Luka so he can play with the cougar.KK
*i send it to Luka so he can play with the cougar.Cougar or no, maybe not such a bad idea anyway. Ever since I read the words, "it can't be done" I have been wishing for a chance to see if I could do it anyway.If it is going to be trashed anyway, I'd kind of like a chance to see if I could fix it.
*Jeff, manual calibration can be done on your laser. Just get out that good old water level and pick a distance, say 50ft. Place a marker stake at both ends and mark a level height. Then shoot the same height with the laser and measure the difference. Then all you have to do is calculate the rate of gain or loss per foot and write that on the side of the laser. Finally go buy a laser ruler and duct tape it to the laser level. See Luka, I have a sense of humor too ! LOL
*ROFLOLWhy not just duct tape the water level to the laser level ?b : )
*I cant speak for that brand of laser but my robo laser has a couple of allen set screws to adjust maybe that one has some hidden on the bottm there not telling you about
*from what i've read before purchase, some actually cannot be recalibrated.guys... consider buying one at eBay. i picked up a new in package robolevel for $50-60. the more expensive rotary levels (maybe used once by a homeowner for their kitch cabs installation) sell at about 50% retail (btw, this figure holds true for most equipment auctioned at eBay. buy on wednesdays or thursdays).brian
*the lazer it self is level, the vials are not, I had this problem when my phsyic spectra got bump. The lazer people wanted $200 to calibrate. I found one of those circle vials( it was on the rod) I place it dead center on top and level the lazer, shot two far distance that I had a TBM on, was happy with shot(over 100 feet each way) and adjust the lazer vials by turning screw to match the round vial.