I want to install a T&G hardwood floor over an old concrete floor in the third floor bedroom of a condo in a converted textile mill. I removed the existing carpet to discover that the floor is uneven and tilted about 1 inch per ten feet. It also sags between what I think are 4 inch joists set about every six feet somehere beneath the concrete. Finally, the carpet installers aparently used drywall compound to smooth the floor surface and fill in divits and cracks – leaving the entire floor with a powdery white coating. It would take an enormous volume and weight of leveling compound to level this floor so I’ve ruled that out. I’m considering putting down 1 by 3 sleepers across the floor. I would set each one in a narrow bed of some sort of concrete so that each is level. Over that a 3/4 inch plywood or OSB sub-floor, thn finally, bamboo flooring. Has anyone ever encountered a similar situation? Any advice is welcome.
Edited 3/25/2002 11:06:30 AM ET by Can-do
Oh no you don't. Ain't fallin for that one again!
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94969.19 In the beginning there was Breaktime...
It's my understanding that there was once a craftsman here in the early days who had a unique, but effective method of determining floor level and flatness. Unfortunately, he took his trade secret to his grave.
94969.19 In the beginning there was Breaktime...
I sent your Christmas gift via UPS yesterday, but even though I sent it express, the woman at the counter was doubtful it would be delivered by Christmas Day due to the harsh weather conditions.Therefore, I'm attaching a photo just to raise your spirits a bit.But I'm not spoiling the surprise.You don't know how big it is, whether or not it's cordless, how fast it can move, whether it's inflatable or constructed of a rigid material or if it needs to be lubricated prior to use.Enjoy!
been called worse
94969.19 In the beginning there was Breaktime...
If you give me any grief about your gift, I've designed a sign to plant in your front yard:
94969.19 In the beginning there was Breaktime...
Are you wanting live ones or the plastic ones?
Plastic. Too cheap to buy feed.
be the bird said 'cheep, cheep.'
94969.19 In the beginning there was Breaktime...
So I have a question: What the devil started this? Your first post to me was deleted before I read it so I've been operating in the blind here.Are you miffed because I named my favorite rooster after you? If it makes you feel any better, his real name is Roy....Rez just fit because I didn't have to change the initial on the back of his favorite hen.(And "Luka" is actually Luke). Roy and Luke keep fighting over the same hens....like a bunch of teenagers.....I'm glad they don't have access to firearms.BTW, the first Flamingos I ever saw were in the San Diego Zoo a long time ago: I'd always thought of Flamingos as gentle, harmless, peaceful creatures, but the "pink" is a deception.....man oh man, those birds were constantly fighting and bickering and pecking each other....I was shocked! SHOCKED! I tell you!And I recently learned that true Flamingos are a large pink bird that lives someplace in Africa where there is a lot of volcanic activity. Those African Flamingos thrive in areas covered with hot volcanic ash and cinders and their feet can withstand temperatures of 140 degrees! Amazing, huh? And that's how they stay away from predators.Let's see your plastic flamingos do that!I wonder if the OP ever got his floor leveled.