leveling concrete floor drain area
Our concrete basement floor has 4 PVC drains to light, fortunately never needed. At long last the basement is finished, but the floor is not.
In order to install a laminate floor, I need to raise the level the drains. I would prefer not to close them off. Slope to each of the drains causes the drain grille to be about 1″ lower than the surrounding floor. Diameter of the drain area is about 3′ for each drain.
What techniques and products might make this leveling possible?
Thanks, Airdriver
Cut small pieces of 3" pvc long enough to extend up to the 'level' point, cap them with test pulgs to prevent and moisture or animals working up under the floor.. Build up the surrounding area with Top'n'Bond. a cement product that allowes for thin fill use. In the future shoud a circumstance arise where the drains are needed all can be easily removed with a rotary hammer.
Thanks, PeteVa. Top n bond is available locally and I'll get some. Looks like max of 1/2 inch per spread, so I'll do two. Best of the season!