Locating 2 sets of concentric dir. vents
I am in the planning stage for redoing my basement. I will have a direct vent Gas Water heater and a new condensing furnace, each with their own direct (concentric) vent.
Question: Is there a minimum distance between the concentric vent of the Gas water heater and the concentric vent of the furnace?
I have looked through the NFPA 54 (2009) National Fuel Gas code, chapter 12 section on exit terminals of mechanical draft and direct vent systems, in particular Figure A12.9. It good info but I don’t see waht I am looking for. Any thoughts?
Some will incorrectly classify a combustion air intake as a "fresh air intake". Those arguments aside, the only real separation requirements are those of practicality.
A 3, 4 or 5" penetration through your roof requires some flashing and that takes up space, 8 to 10" at least, each. Plus, you count on dodging some framing and trying to route and connect 4 separate 2" (or larger) PVC pipes in a single joist bay or in between one set of trusses/rafters and the spacing more or less takes care of itself.
Tim, Thanks for the quick reply. I should have been more specfic in my wishes. I was hoping to exist the house on the side (to save the work on going through the roof).
Gotta look at the install directions, there are minimums for each appliance.