A piece of material blew off the roof of my project the other day and damaged the siding on my neighbors house. It’s Alcoa Super V double 4 in Sand finish.
Well – Alcoa discontinued it long ago and has none in their obsolete product locater system. So much for lifetime guarantees eh? I’m trying to match something close from other lines but nothing is a good match so far
So – whattaya do?
Anybody have any sources for obsolete products like this? I’d sure hate to have to re-side her whole house because I can’t match 30 feet of product. .
Peter Crowl
Littleton Colorado
Peter, when needing to replace a pc of discontinued alum siding, I had a good sider bend up a cover out of coil stock. The house was to be painted so no need to color match the patch. I tucked it up in the above pc and pop riveted the bottom leg up to the existing. Done right, it's invisible from a distance. You'd have to convince the homeowner to allow you an easy out. Best of luck.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Calvin -
An excellent idea - problem is , and I should have been specific, this is vinyl siding with a grain to it.
Sorry, saw alcoa and just thought aluminum.
For a discontinued vinyl, I had fair luck using a "new" different brand, but colored the same/grain piece on the bottom and moving the old pc up. This was a repair where the homeowner did the damage, so was more than agreable to the cost being small and the patch being close. Best of luck.__________________________________________
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Just a thought- let your fingers do the walking and check out of the way little lumber yards around. I've been at auctions where these smaller yards were closing up and bought a slew of various types of old vinyl siding in small amounts that they had squirreled away. Different colors, styles, manufacturers.Corner pieces, starters, trim. I got it cause it was so cheap and makes for fancy cabins and sheds. If you could post a close up pic I'll look thru my stash.
Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.