I’ve been remodeling my kitchen, and part of this process was replacing the sink with an nice 18-gauge stainless unit I scored off Craigslist. It turns out that, because the faucet holes are behind the small bowl and off to the side of the large bowl, the faucet doesn’t reach far forward enough for my very short wife to use it comfortably. I’ve been poking around looking for a longer-reach faucet (like, 12″ or so) with no success. So I was wondering if anyone had something to recommend. Needs to be single-handle, either pull-out or separate sprayer is fine.
(And, by the way, trying to install a 33″ sink in a base cabinet that’s 33″ wide at the face frame is no fun at all. I built the cabinets, so that’s entirely my fault.)
any possibility of drilling a new hole [s] to make regular faucet work for you
How about a pull out toe kick step? Might make the faucet work without additiional drilling and it could be easier for a shorter person to get their hands into the sink.
A pullout step is the other option I'm considering. There's already slides under there for the toekick drawers I haven't built yet.
If it's possible to do that with a handheld drill, it's worth considering. I drilled a couple of holes in it with a drill press, but no way am I taking it out after what I went through to get it in.
ive cut the holes in a sink that was in place using a center punch tool made for metal
Hey pull that model # off that faucet you got from me & post it to the OP will ya.
That depends that you still have the box.
long reach kitchen faucet
I wanted to ask if you ever found the faucet you needed. I've done the same thing. We installed a new sink and the faucet installs behind the right side of the double sink. The faucet does reach the left side of the sink, but it would be nice to have a couple more inches. If you did get a longer faucet, could you tell me make, model, etc. and purchase place? Thanks.
If you have a good plumbing supply in your area..........
they should be able to help you out.
contact Moen, Delta, Kohler, Grohe, etc and ask them what's available. Give them your desires and they should (if advertising is correct) be able to set you up with a model number and picture for the wife.
Best of luck.