I have standing water issues in my back yard and am looking for somebody to help define the right way to fix it.
The house is in Montgomery County, MD and if anyone knows of a good engineer/consultant (single family house, one time job) to help, I’d appreicate it.
Greetings j,
This post, in response to your question, will bump the thread through the 'recent discussion' listing again.
Perhaps it will catch someone's attention that can help you with advice.
The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.
R. Buckminster Fuller
You need a general Civil Engineer. A geotechnical engineer is for your foundations and high retainng walls. A civil engineer will correct drainage issues. Of course, a good landscape architect, or even a landscaper could if they are experienced with water issues related to the soil in your area.
...that's not a mistake, it's rustic
I'm not sure if you would have this in your state but in Ohio we have a county agency called the County Soil and Water Conservation District. Each county has one and they are set up to assist with soil issues for all owners. I refer owners to them when they have problems like you describe. The agency has some helpful details and reference materials regarding the specific soil conditions and how to deal with drainage. Perhaps your state has a similar agency and they can help. The agency was originally set up to assist farming but it really is applicable to all owners and the reference materials I have seen should be useful for you situation.