Looking for a back issue article from I believe issue #70, which happens to not be available from Fine Homebuilding online anymore. The article I belive was a short backpage photo spread on someone who build a work trailer that had a pneumatic raised roof, drop down sides that increased floor space and weather proof curtins that ringed the outside and could be rolled up for nice weather. If you happen to have that back issue (I believe that it was back in Oct/Nov 1991) I’d love to get a copy of it. I could give you a fax number to send the 1 or 2 pages. I had a copy of that issued but was lost during a move to a new state. Please email me at markbendoregon2006 at yahoo.com |
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
yea i have that issue it was guy jim chestnut from at that time from pound ridge , n.y. i 'm goggle his name and see if i can get an addres for you . sorry bud i dont let go of the collection of these babies i got em ' going back to 1982 .
.." Crea la mitad de lo que usted ve, y nada de lo que usted oye."
Edited 8/27/2006 9:02 pm ET by alias
click on the link below
Edited 8/27/2006 9:20 pm by BarryE
Jim posts over in the JLC forums all the time. Look in the finish carpentry section.
Oooops - I didn't read all the threads.
Here's the trailer:
you did good, leroy.
seeyou invented lazy
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. A bird sings because it has a song.
Hey. I was going through a stack of vintage FHB in a used book store yesterday and realized I already own a second copy of issue 70 (love that spiral staircase on the cover). It does indeed have Jim Chestnut's trailer on the back cover.
I'll be glad to mail it to you for the cost of postage. E mail me your address and it's yours. Just say NO! to moving truck threads.